Forum Flagging Help

You know who they are?

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Yes, wolftechnology deserves better.

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Some of them, yes.

Again, this wasn’t a completely wolf-targeted attack. I hold that I think some of the flags were unjustified, but I don’t think it’s right to say someone “deserves” to be not flagged.


Probably because people thought the guides weren’t needed.
Like people might not think they would use an ultimate guide on fruit (the only flagged guide of yours I could find) and probably thought it was useless.

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people flag regulars a lot I guess…

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These were (unjustly, in my opinion) flagged too:
How to make a Timed Button
How to make a Pyramid in GKC
I think they got cleared though

Most times regulars are the ones flagging

something really weird about this is that its not like people hate wolftech or have a grudge against him. infact, he’s pretty well received, and the people that don’t like him are smart enough to not mass flag him.

I believe it was GimSolver.
he is banned.

He is a respected, good person. You can’t just assume that it was him because he was suspended.
@Gimsolver wouldn’t do that.
If you believe it was him, you must not have seen him around very much (you joined like a week ago, too)


true tho.

This text will be blurredextra charactersssssssss

I’m relaying info because crimson was suspended

It looks like @whereismycrown used crimson and gimsolver’s account to flag stuff (I might be wrong)


That is a stereotype/assume
Which is probably not true

he told me irl.
he was crying about it in class.
saying how he flagged short guides
because the mods had cleared
his candle guide so he assumed
short guides should have been flagged.
he wasn’t targeting anyone.

I don’t believe you.
First of all, do you have any proof that he knows you IRL?
second, he got over the candle guide thing a WHILE ago.
Finally, we have close to no reason to trust you.
No offense, but I’m not one to sugarcoat.

yeah, but only recently did they confirm the flag.
He tells me everything.

ok. sure. he’s literally right next to right now, if you wanna talk to him
(and you all know his tone, so it’s easy to recognize him)

he used crimson’s.
he convinced gimsolver.

Gimsolver confirmed this on wix:

Screenshot 2024-05-03 4.19.22 PM



read what I said under the picture