Fishing doesn't work

if it’s your game, show us what you’ve made (in screenshots)
if it’s not, we can’t help you

Not cool @NoTimeToBleedQQ I have had good times on this forum and I think you can learn a thing or two about gimkit and evolve your creative skills.

No it was a joke sarcasm LOL

That and arguments lol.

Oh… :hushed: Sorry! Did not realize that!

@Marco try using this guide. delete what you have a use this to grant.

And for the sell tales use this.

ur good no worry’s bro

don’t say that, a joke doesn’t change it, it gives a ad look to the forum.

ok fine this post is now deleted

THAT IS UNTIL CHAOS RAHHHHHHHH (im joking dont ki ll me pls.)

please delete that post, thanks.

Remember to mark a solution when you find the answer you looking for!

:grinning: :+1:

I might have figured it out but I haven’t tried so I’m not marking a solution yet.

I think the problem is that the item granters don’t grant and you can’t fish again

How to make the Fishtopia fishing pool/pond this is the tutorial I used

hi marco, i found you! welcome to the page.
idk the cause of this, but try searching up how fishtopia works.

try using this guide but replace the items with fish self promo

I did and it worked two days ago but now it doesn’t

interesting. did you add anything afterwards?

Yeah a new world and a couple other things.