Favorite Mario Party Minigames (Or Just Minigame Ideas) (Still Needed!)

Croozin for a broozin could be possible as well

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Oh yes! I used to play Mario Party!
Ok I will list some of my favourites that might work in gimkit

Trike harder

Bike racing in a straight line and try to get the fastest time

Snack attack

Collect the biggest amount of raining popcorn in your bucket

Can take Pancake

A pile of pancakes in the middle and you have to grab them (only the ones on the top can be taken) and some are 1 point and others are 5 points.

Senseless Census

You need to count the toads running around in limited time and whoever gets closest to the answer wins.

Fuzzy flight school

you are in a spaceship flying around and you only have 3 lives. If you get hit by one of the fuzzies that are blocking the way, you lose a life. Try to be the last one standing to win.

Croozin' for a Broozin'

You need to pick the right path otherwise more of the bad guys come out of the pipes on the bad side, and might punch you out of the map.

Pie hard

Grab pies and throw them at each other, the more that hit the other players, the more points you get.

Off the chain

One player is the ball, and you can only turn and move in straight lines, you must knock out other players that are running around the arena. (might be hard to program in gimkit…)

What a racket

One player has a big racquet and the other players have little ones, you must hit falling little b ombs to and fro in the game, and they keep falling. If it lands and explodes in the other player’s side of the court, you get a point.

Fetch quest

You need to, as a team, find all 9 diamonds, and put them in the slot. Try to beat the timer and get all of the diamonds in the boxes in time! (You can also pass them to each other) (no clue how to make this in gimkit…)

  • snack attack
  • can take pancake
  • senseless census
  • fuzzy flight school
  • croozin’ for a broozin’
  • pie hard
  • off the chain
  • what a racket
  • fetch quest
  • other
0 voters

I hope this helps! :wink:

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I can’t recall the name of it, but one of my favorite minigames is the one where it’s a 3v1 and you have to demolish a tower of blocks. Perhaps you could recreate that with a couple of props and some gadgets where one person gets a quantum portal and the three others get zappers?


I think that one is Block and Load. :wink:

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I like the plates of do0m game mode from Mario party 7 or something

Baseball is my favorite mini game

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How does that one go?

I feel like a lot of these require physics, which are kinda impossible in gkc

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No, the Evil Eye and Zapper Thing could work. Just destr0y props. Not all of them will work exactly the same as Mario Party

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Bumping is usually for guides only. . .
Anyway do you need more minigame ideas? How many more?

Oh, sorry. I didn’t really know how bumping worked. I just didn’t want to create a new topic for the same thing.

The more the better!

No it’s okay if the question isn’t solved yet. I’ll see later for more minigame ideas.

Don’t you have a lot already?

Check out this topic. What is Bumping? (I just say the word?)

You can bump your own help topics.

And I completely forgor about this but im on vacation tho…

I have 6 good ones so far, but Mario Party has a TON of minigames. There is a minigame after every round. (So once everyone takes their turn on the board there is a minigame)

The first one is Mario Party, while the tenth[1] one is Super Mario Party.

  1. Thanks to @Ben_to_the_10th to catching me originally saying second. ↩︎

Yeah, it gets confusing. I wish everyone just called the OG Mario Party, Mario Party 1

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Actually there is Mario Party 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, Super Mario Party, Mario Party Superstars, and the new one coming out soon Super Mario Party: Jamboree