(This Post Has Been Deleted By Author)

Add a counter clock

I’m Not Done Yet and gosh, why do people care about how I spell?

What I was thinking of, is making a sort of timer? If that is possible. And honestly, it doesn’t matter how you spell. @Chris10

Thanks! Good Idea! Idea added

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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(I do know what wdym means, no need to say the meaning.)

Search up FNAF in google. (or bing, or yahoo, or whatever search engine you use)

I Know About FNAF, But I’m Saying, How Does It Work?

There’s a couple of guides you could use that have information about timers if you want to search them up. Are you planning on adding instructions for making them?

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Yes, And Thanks! I’m Going To Check When Needed

The game begins when it’s 12 AM, and you have to survive until 6 AM

There’s like a clock showing what game time it is right now and how long you survived

The countdown timer is what I can use in my guide which is a W.I.P.
My guide: How to make a working kitchen ( Difficulty 2/10 or 🟩)

The “Seconds into game” block could be added, and modified to standard min:sec

Why did you link my comment?
Okay, you fixed it

Good Idea! Idea added

oop. Sorry, I was trying to get it to go to the guide. let me fix it.

Isn’t there a guide on this made by Blizzy?

So is it really necessary to have this guide?

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There’s a whole bunch of clock and timer guides.


Why does the title say deleted when it’s not deleted?

sorry if I revived a ded topic.

It’s Ded Because The Main Post Was Flagged And If I Left It There Most New People Will Be Confused (sorry if I’m doing all uppercase)

It’s Ok If You Revived It I Really Don’t Mind