Escape Room ldeas

I need some escape room ideas, since i already lost ideas on which one.

escape-room is a good place to look
(unless you’ve already looked there)

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Looked at it, but not really my fit.

have u tried reading these:

Yeah, i did.

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What kind of ideas are you looking for?

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It is a horror game escape room, that’s what i can say.

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Well, you could try to make jumpscares. I, personally, have no idea how you would do that, but you could try.

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I love horror game escape rooms!

So basically, there are just SO many possibilities for those. In my opinion one good idea is a lighting system, where the farther in you are, the darker it gets. You could try making it so you can place lamps and stuff that you get from answering questions down that light up the escape room a bit, which can motivate people to answer questions.

If you need jumpscare ideas, you can try my hallway jumpscare tutorial, How to make a Hallway Jumpscare!
Hope it helps!


How about this one? credit to @Blizzy


For a jumpscare You could place a zone down and when you walk into the zone it places a sentry down

Simple, dark room, my poetry, read it to get the next clue to escape. Everyone loves my poetry… so far. I should mention my poetry is dark.

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Maybe a prison themed escape room. I apologize if this idea has already been shared, but I haven’t had a chance to read through all of the posts in this thread. For more detail, the puzzles could involve opening hatches or finding supplies that other prisoners left in the cell. For the horror theme, a horror themed ghost or entity could chase the player and give them limited time to escape?

Maybe do ℂ-ℂ'𝕤 𝔾𝕣𝕚𝕞𝕠𝕚𝕣𝕖.....0/10 ◻ (Wiki for @C-C)
like put one of the creatures right around the corner, that would be pretty scary…


I would try to make it like multiple copies of the same room, like a hallway where the props and the room in the door will change every time.

a monster that chases you in a dark maze >=)

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