Does Snowy grass fit well with a radioactive area theme?

also in the eras menu you can choose the type of thing you eras and for the terrain you can delete 3x3 area


Yeh dry grass sounds correct

ok Thanks guys. I just did not think dry grass was dark enough. Imma try replacing it.

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combine the dry grass with barrier to tint it

also welcome to the forums i hope you enjoy your time here

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this fits well with this theme. the snow could be a sort of nuclear winter if there was a bang or leak

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Idea. How about you go with a dark marble one? I dont know, just suggesting. Also, if you would like to suggest additions to Gimkit, try this link!

For grass?!

@Stealthknight2 it is a suggestion. And I am saying for a radioactive area grass might not fit that well.

Alright Guys, I replaced the grass with dry grass. How should I build the power plant?

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Maybe a rusty looking metal?

sure, but I want a design

Its your map why not make it yourself?

I just want an idea, so I can make one.

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Radioactive areas with snowy grass does fit. If before the radioactive “event” there was a nuclear plant explosion, or a meteor strike, then it does fit. Usually, radioactive events are associated with ashes and burning.

I replaced it with dry grass already.

Wait, I can mix it! Imma mix the snowy grass and the dry grass

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Do a small area first, and then show us a screenshot so we can look and give advice.

i might be able to make you a reference build