Decorating Sentries for a Racecar-Themed Build

The black tinted alien plants are smoke from the tires. The tires are tinted basketballs. I used the flag device for the flags. Anvils for the spoiler. Tinted bowl and metal sign for the seat. Washing machine- uh I mean space container for the body of the car and asphalt for the road (on different layers so it makes the center line).


That is cool, but why don’t you post it in another guide like this? That will add less clutter on the forums.

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yeah, if you post that in my post I will add it and it will reduce clutter, Nice custom made sentry though!

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Nice guide! I’ll try to use this in my f1 map! Could you try adding a front wing?

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You could probably add it to this to reduce clutter.

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First stop telling @xbit to reduce clutter by moving the guide to the cool ways to use props. It will probably never be seen there. They can add it if they want. Second, how does moving it to the other guide reduce clutter? If anything, it just adds even more clutter.

Hey, its okay! No need to get mad over something, this is a civilized forum after all! :smile: