Debate topic compilation

If you’re bored…

Wires v. Channels

Variables v. Properties

Blocks v. Checkers

Make up your own!


Well, since checkers and properties now work together, checkers are kinda good.


I still prefer blocks, heavily. Checkers run checks against a set number and have a limit of 5 checks per device. Blocks can compare anything to anything and you can fit 50+ in a device.


Checkers are in the top tier of the device tier list, along with item granters, properties and triggers.

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Device tier list… interesting.

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Yeah, same. The thing is that I’m still learning blocks.

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I thought the limit for max blocks in a device was six…


Channels all the way. Less lag and less eye pain.

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No, 50+ checks in a device

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I know, right?
I will sometimes have to use wires, but when I NEED to use them, they are not compatible.

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Yes but in that one block you can fit a lot of checks. Especially with the join text block.


I use both wires and channels

I use channels most of the time and wires if I have to.

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I use both. Usually channels, but I might use a wire for some things bc wire repeaters. For blocks I definitely use channels.
In my guides, I use a lot of wires bc people use them a lot.

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I actually prefer wires when I’m making something like a popup shop, it’s just easier

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This is so confusing to figure out


What is this even for, besides lag from all the wires?



There isn’t any. My game lags a bit when rendering them, but during runtime everything runs smoothly.

What are the wire repeaters for?