Debate about Unnecessary Tags

Something else. Otherwise, I will get mad.

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forum-tips for things like the example.

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Umm, that is one we are trying to cut down on.

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I meanā€¦

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@Here_to_help why in the world is that a psa

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Most of beginner-must-read is also in that category.

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Umm, just donā€™t even bother.

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That one should just be a guide.

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Iā€™m gonna compile a list of PSAs real quick that I think shouldnā€™t be PSAs, brb

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Last post for tonight, good night and good luck!


What about this one?

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Itā€™s borderline PSA, weā€™re just starting by clearing out non-PSAs

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This one seems unnecessary.

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How about this?

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Random, but is this new?

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Seems like it isnā€™t a PSA.

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Weird. ā€‹

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Yes, but it is very helpful. I love it.

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Hey, you canā€™t blame me, this was super long ago.

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