Debate about Unnecessary Tags

I’m not blaming anyone- the forums were dead and we had nothing to do, so a bunch of stuff popped up. But now the forums are active, the crazy PSAs need to be de-PSAed

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I’m de-PSAing anything that doesnt have PSA in the title *except for my not impossible post
things like [ 🤏 Mini-guide ] Codes - #20 by Anythinger

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I was originally going to make a properties guide, but… I decided it would be better to do, Essence of Block Code like I’m 3b1b or something. Here’s how it was going to be:



Properties are some of the most useful assets in gimkit creative games. Whether you want to make a clicker game, a battle royale, an open world, or a farming game, you’ll most likely need properties. In this guide, we’ll answer these questions along the way:

  • What are properties and their types?
  • Why are they useful
  • What can you make with them?
  • How can you approach learning them?

Part 1: Block Code and Changing Properties

Ah, block code. You either love it for its usefulness or hate it because you just can’t figure it out. However, even if you don’t fully understand block code, you might still be able to create basic setups using it with properties.

Properties mainly depend on block code, however, they can be changed using other methods, which is why I would heavily suggest learning to code with blocks before heavily using properties. Don’t worry, it can actually be very simple to understand.

“Wait, but where do you even open block code?” some people are probably asking me right now, and that’s a very good question. Can you see where it is?

Try spotting the menu where you can start creating your own block code!

That’s right, in “Blocks” in the top left corner!

However, here is one very important thing to note. The block code menu only shows up in a select few devices. This means that you would not see the blocks menu in the settings for a health granter device.

The absence of the block code menu, how sad :[

Place down a trigger if you haven’t already, and let’s click on “Blocks” and see where it brings us.

Made this because there are like 0 good property guides.


how did @Amprex win the first new user of the month? he has 8 minutes read in total lol

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Ha ha. Nice.​

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User of the Month is a scam at this point



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Silenced users are getting it, somehow…

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I dont even know any of the people that won it

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Amprex won it in the first month, where the main candidates thought to get it were:
Cameron Sharer: 150 likes
Blakhole927: 115 likes
mega scam lol


ikr i think i was like 1st in topics viewed and posts read, and like 3rd in replies

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lxmas got it this month.

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That was in a different forum, but yeah doesn’t make any sense

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no he didnt?

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I remember in the old forum i somehow had the 2nd most liked topic, after something about grass lol

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I feel like the non-psas that still have something to do with Gimkit (properties are powerful, etc) should get a new tag that collectively groups them together.


Maybe we can repurpose informational .

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I started the trend of calling Gimkit creative GKC on the old forums. :]

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I’m pretty sure my post was a psa but i didnt know what a psa was at that time because the first psa that I saw and im pretty sure was the first was @Blackhole927’s Public Service Announcement (PSA), when reckoner showed up lol.

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