Dark elf mage class ability

i made a guide on this lemme get it its in multiplayer effecting abilities i think

Four words.
Pseudo Health.

something like this but different attacks based on team. like speed boost makes trail (there are guides for this) that is black for dark elves and quantum portal machine gun and or evil eye.

And for light elves they have slingshot, wand, or zapper, and a more light trail. And health add to heal teammates. (medic ability)

What does that mean?

Fake health using Item-Properties as the real health and knocks out a player when that item has run out.

its the first one you see on here and yes @Haiasi is right to make a life drain ability you would have to make something similar to an hp burn system with pseudo health but with or without levels

Forgot to add but you’d also use a repeater that takes away the item.

who has best solution? my rough draft guide or Haiasi @satorugojo1 ?

they are both great ideas, i will use your tag → slowdown ability and @Haiasi 's pseudo health for constant health burn for the first ability. I’ll probably make another health drain ability for dark elf. for light elf, heal and then speed boost (focus on heal) and for weapon radiant slingshot that turns off health regen

thanks for all the help!

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