Creative Update

@Blackhole927 i mean Josh and Jeffo did go on there update streak so i think they deserve a break

no if most it will be tested on friday, correct? the is when DLd was tested on a game night

Jeff does mainly PR things, it’s Jakub who is the other programmer. And at the moment, they’re very busy working on the new mode.


just and fyi jeffo i jeff the o is for osborn his last name.

I have no clue when testing will be, usually josh announces it a day or two in advance.


@WolfTechnology oh that’s pretty neat it sounds good to (jeffo)
@Blackhole927 thanks for letting me know but i still think they deserve a break (its pretty stressful)

they have breaks but when the community is expecting a game to be released as quickly as blastball it makes them rush.

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Josh and Jeff should start hosting game nights on the forum, too. That way the people who can’t access Discord (such as me) don’t have to miss out. :rofl:

I agree.
and when there is a time when a game is rushed,
It may not be as good because there was not a well enough time span to fully
make that game mode shine and make it peak

and then.
a lot of people may criticize it
( like pokemon scarlet and violet )


A: Pretty sure discorse doesn’t support any voice channels.
B: The forum is only for gimkit creative help, the discord exists as the place for everything else. There isn’t a reason for them to start hosting gamenights here, and it would be a bad idea since it would increase the motivation of schools to block this site. So… find some way to get discord. Also, gamenights by the devs are pretty rare, so there’s a good chance you wouldn’t end up being online at the time one happened.


I wish I could be on Discord. I can’t, though. :sob: When they do the next game night, if it’s the mining game, can someone post a link here?

im loving that idea should i make a poll :grin:

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well i hope everything goes as planned for them!

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The next gamenight is basically whenever, we have 2-3 gamenights a week. Team Gimkit gamenights happen very rarely, so you may as well just join the discord and check whenever you get a ping to see if it’s a Team Gimkit gamenight.

use a proxy or smth
( won’t link any on here tho)

not sure on the VC, but i know it is a $100 a month forum does, so im not sure if i can even get it on here, more or less get josh to add it.

@Blackhole927 like 95% of the GKC are on school chromebooks…

if you use a school computer do that.

That’s not gonna happen. It’s just not.

A lot of people have personal computers or phones that they’ve joined the discord on. To be specific, 30,000 people.