Could you Theoretically carry over damage on prop

this is kinda impossible. (i got here late)


I will test out what i can do with props after school and cross country but you shall keep seeing if you want

we can try to prove this a bit later

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Iā€™m jumping out of it then.

Itā€™s probably possible, but thereā€™s not even a point. You just handicap your games potential if you add this since you need to sacrifice so many elements of GKC, that make it actually GKC.

Plus I need to develop my map lol

Butā€¦ i got this idea because you can do it for sentries

Really? I havenā€™t seen a guide for it yetā€¦

i mean if you used a property, it would work

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its been recent i heard someone say they made a breakthrough with sentries

Do you know their user? Or if thereā€™s a guide?

give me a bit to find out

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(Patched) How to Make a Sentry Move while carrying damage over! (:green_square:)

maybe something like this but If im wrong it was refuted and then refound

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Yeah, it got Patchedā€¦ so I donā€™t think it will work.

This could work, but itā€™s just not worth all the time and effortā€¦

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realized that but heres the person

Is there anyway to recover a guide that has been deleted?

Hmm then Idkā€¦ Weird.

But Iā€™ma go work on my map now, or browse the forums for a bit more then work on it.

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@leahciM could you try to msg here and maybe try to summarise your deleted guide?

but the real question is can counters act like properties for props and can props contain properties?

ā€œOr is it?ā€ -Vsauce, in every vid.

Counters can act like properties for props, but not as well. It can be a basic increment decrement property.

Props have block code I think, if they donā€™t, then no they canā€™t contain properties.

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well since we have not quite tested it so this could be turned into a theory guide

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Nope! As of right now, there is no way to track damage on props, since they only give out signals on destruction. My guide is the best way to do it, and even that isnā€™t infinite since props donā€™t regenerate.

Even if you tracked when a player shot, you wouldnā€™t be able to track WHERE they shot, since thereā€™s no way to see where a player is looking.


But theoretically (why does EVERYTHING have to be theoretical, oh wait it is in the title), if there is some sort of channel, you could track when the projectile hits something, but you wouldnā€™t be able to without that extra channel output or another device, and I think that device would take a lot of memoryā€¦

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No, thatā€™s what I just said. You canā€™t track hits, you can only track destroyed props.

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