Coordinate grid optimization (for bananas)

Get nolted lol


maybe you could have a overlay button and when its pressed, activate an item manager that sets the amount of banana to 0? I dont know if someone already said this

yes, but if they have more than one banana they would lose them all


The problem is NOT how to drop the banana, the problem is how the game will know where the banana is on the track without using 50% of my map memory.

unless they had a property called bananas, and when they collect a bananas it doesn’t actually grant you a banana it just updates the property, and when you press the overlay it sees if property bananas

hold on that @ClicClac if i am right when you drop something it stays there, or am i having a brain fart

It does…

so why do you need to track where it is?

Do you play MarioKart?


I don’t think you can interact with items on the track, other than just picking them up.

why do you need to interact?

In MarioKart, you can place a banana on the track, and it will slow down the player who runs over it. The current workaround is extremely time consuming, and I would not like to spend several days just placing triggers.

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ahh. i have no idea that would be simple

If there was a way you could use the interior code of Gimkit to keep track of the players X and Y, this would be a little bit easier.

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it would be helpful if waypoint could be more flexable. like for thins you could do something with a position saved by the waypoint that the player was at when they dropped the banana

Everyone talks about checkers being broken.

Nobody talks about the mess that is waypoints.

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ikr. so true.

I know how bananas work in Mario Kart, here is my idea of interpretation:

  • you can place it behind you
  • or you can throw it in front of you over a distance

When a player runs into it, it makes the player spin out and slow down (not completely)

(I don’t know how to use the gimkit code thingy as I havent tried it yet :frowning: )