There are currently 2 things I need help with:
1: How do I make a damager that only deals 15 HP send a knockout message when a player dies from that damager?
2: How do I put text on this end of game widget area?
There are currently 2 things I need help with:
1: How do I make a damager that only deals 15 HP send a knockout message when a player dies from that damager?
2: How do I put text on this end of game widget area?
Place a damager. Set it to deal fifteen damage and if it knockouts the player, write the knockout message in the built in settings.
Make sure the widget is connected to a property. Excellent guide by Bardy.
Is the property text based? What do you want to show with it?
The widget is already connected to a property.
@Turtle the guide’s pictures are missing, and the property is text based.
I want it to show like, some example text.
Okay, so using block code or whatever method you want, update the property with the property block and create text with block to say whatever you want.
Or maybe in the property itself you can initialize it with some text.
Something like…
Property: create text with "test"
Or maybe:
Value: create text with "test"
Not entirely sure.
Another guide.
I know there are no pictures ._.
Block code for what?
I don’t see any “blocks” in the property nor end of game widget.
Nah, it’d have to be a separate trigger or something to update the property I think.
do you have a default value for your property? if not, then make sure you update your property later using a trigger.
in the trigger, just go to the blocks and make it something like this (this is set for number properties):
or this (this is set up for text properties and for number properties, just use a number block instead):