Clay-Institute-Level Question Brainstorming & Discussion

you’d could have it be something like
if projectilex*projectiley = ((playerx + 1**) * (playery +1)) then broadcast on channel reghit
and then you’d have to recreate the same equation but with the other 3 combinations of +/-'s, with or inbetween each, like this
if projectileX*projectileY = ((playerx + 1**) * (playery +1)) __________ or ________________________________________________ projectileX*projectileY = ((playerX - 1) * (playerY +1)) _______________ or ____________________________________________________ projectileX*projectileY = ((playerX - 1) * (playerY -1)) _______________ or ________________________________________________ projectileX*projectileY = ((playerX - 1) * (playerY +1)) _______________ then broadcast on channel 'hitreg'
**1 would be the space around the player that’s part of the hitbox


Oh yeah, triggers would be way more efficient than zones. Nothing but props and sentries can interact with projectiles, right?

Alternatively, we could also have 1 health sentries everywhere that appear when the player steps on their trigger, that would be easier than props, but it’d take a ton more memory.


Yes, and using triggers use up about 87% less memory.

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Zones would actually work better since you use less than 1/5 of the amount of triggers.


?? zones take up 300 memory, while triggers only take up 40.
Screenshot 2023-11-30 8.22.09 AM

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But use this system:

When did they change zones to 300 memory?!

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For an m by n rectangle, triggers use 40 * m * n memory. Zones use 200 *(m+n).

Zones use 200 memory if you have more than 1 zone, zones cover a wider range than triggers which could be used instead of placing hundreds of triggers.

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That’s just activating and deactivating props. The coordinate system itself is not affected by what we do with it.

Idk, if you want to tamper with my idea and make your own using your coordinate system, by all means, go ahead, just put it under this topic:


I mean, this has been a thing for pretty much as long as we’ve thought about this. It’s not really tampering with your idea lol
Still cool tho

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actually, I believe this would be quite possible with the new Pseudo-Hitbox system recently devised
edit: whoops did someone already say this?

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So @Shdwy, what’s the main discussion here right now?

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Yes, but not in the way you are probably thinking. One shard reloads the gun. When the gun is reloaded, the shard value changes.

I did play around with this to try making a critical hit system. For whatever reason, the inventory item manager was unable to track this change when a new shard was loaded into the weapon.


oooh ok, that makes more sense

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Yes I’m pretty sure that was already brought up.

No idea anymore lmao seems to be hitseeking still

I have an idea for melee weapons that includes activating and deactivating tag zones a lot, but I don’t think it’s very clay institute.

Yeah, melee weapons are pretty easy in theory using a coord system and some buttons or somethin, the problem is the memory. Would tag zones or normal zones be cheaper?

Also, can tag zones deal damage instead of respawning?