Clay-Institute-Level Question Brainstorming & Discussion

This is a post to discuss and come up with questions that are Clay-Institute level, whether they have been solved or unsolved, and possibly with links that provide information about the original question. Some, if not, all, of the questions need concrete proof and evidence to determine whether it is possible or not.


Update Order:

If two actions are triggered simultaneously within a fraction of a millisecond difference, which one gets the priority? Could you ever achieve genuine simultaneity in Gimkit Creative?


:white_check_mark: - Whatever was set first will trigger first. The two actions will not happen simultaneously but would happen relatively close enough to where players wouldn’t notice a significant difference.

GKC AI Turing Test:

Can a game or system be created in Gimkit Creative that can mimic human behavior so accurately that players cannot distinguish between AI and actual player actions?


  • Gimkit Creative is Turing complete.

  • A proper AI system has not been created yet, it’d be complex to create.

  • More of a psychological test but also tests Gimkit Creative’s limits, might require multiple trials.

:x: Has not been recreated.

Infinite Loop:

Can you construct a loop within Gimkit Creative that is endless, yet doesn’t crash or slow down the system, and what would the implications be?


  • Recursion in GKC is slow.

  • “Implications” - Infinite loops can be used to create unique gameplay, affect storytelling narrative, and algorithms. Allows for many computations to be done rapidly.

  • Could be used to add on to exploits for an infinite amount of items, thus if we’re aware of it, then we could help prevent that.

:x: - Although recursion has been used before, it hasn’t been infinite and caused lag.

Complexity Threshold:

Is there an upper limit to the complexity of systems within Gimkit Creative, and at what point do added complexities bring new outcomes or behaviors?


  • System-to-system CAN help with creating new outcomes, but the only example I’ve really seen is Relay-Relay which is more of device-to-device.

  • This could help with creating new concepts.

:x: - No definite answer.


If every decision in a game spawns a new possible outcome or “universe”, how can you design a game in Gimkit Creative that actively shows this in real-time (similar to 5D Chess)?


  • Each event has to be recreated multiple times with different outcomes which is kinda repetitive.

:x: - Hasn’t been recreated, would make for a fun gimmick though

Non-Euclidean GKC:

How can you design a space within Gimkit Creative that doesn’t follow traditional geometric rules, where straight lines curve and parallel lines might meet?


  • Most likely possible using a combination of teleporters and a lighting engine, however the latter has not been recreated yet
  • A possible substitute for a lighting engine is separate rooms each with camera limits in them connected by teleporters, as both methods serve to hide the fact that the place you just exited isn’t what is was before

:x: - Hasn’t been recreated

3D Rendering

Is it possible to create a third plane in GKC?


  • Would use matrices, and functions such as sin, cos, tan, etc. to create the illusion of depth and 3D objects.

:x: No 3D rendering engine made so far has supported z-clipping, raserization, collisions, a tri-filling algorithm, complex polygon support. No object culling has been implemented either.

:x: Only partially working proof-of-concept renderers have been made.

:white_check_mark: - Used Bresenham’s Line Drawing Algorithm to render lines between two points. Then implemented some 3D projection equations to convert 3D points to 2D points. Generated a bunch of 3D points, turned them into 2D points, then drew lines between them. Used a 32x24 text display. This solution did not support rotation of the cube it rendered.

:white_check_mark: - Used a simple system for rendering a point, with a movement mode that changes the point’s position and a rotation mode that rotated the point around the viewport using trig functions. For detecting movement, used a system with a teleporter in the middle of a cross-shaped area, and four triggers in each square of the cross, except the middle (kinda like a joystick).


non-euclidean gimkit would go crazy, really only added that one because i heard it somewhere on the discord a while ago


No idea why i’m responding in 12 am, but nice guide!


Non euclidean geometry is just a lot of teleporters and camera devices i think


I thought we already had infinite recursion with repeaters. Can you specify the complexity threshold a bit more? I don’t understand what you mean by system to system.


How about you set “Max Concurrent Tasks” to 10? That’ll basically make the repeater go faster than recursion. Hold on…


Set it to stop on a channel, and don’t put a channel in the typing box.


Is recursion having a trigger trigger itself?


Yes. You could replace that with a repeater though. More broadly, it is having a system trigger itself.


This is nice! The original post won’t get edit-limit-ed because of the wiki! This would be kind of confusing for new users, though.


the point at which a system affects another system to create something new when systems are a group of devices that work together for one goal


So, basically the minimum effort needed to make something?




Alright, brain dump.
The tag zone placed first is the tag zoe that activates if two tag zones contradict each other.
You can check for an item on tagging or being tagged.
There are 60 teams in free-for-all.
That means that you can’t pseudo-team for tag, right?


You can 50% of the time, I think.

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Well… yeah, I guess. Still not practical, though.

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It could be.

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Tagging doesn’t have to be actual tagging.


Are you recommending we track the location of taggers by flooding the entire map with triggers?

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When did I say that?

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