Check which property is the highest

which is?

Top secret.
Although, there are 5 systems within it that work together, and Iā€™m maybe 1/5 of the way done with the first system.

at least tell me this:
is it harder than monopoly

Yeah. Itā€™s harder than anything Iā€™ve ever made, combined.




Ok well donā€™t worry youā€™ll lose it sometime in the next half year or year

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IDK man, MarioKart is turning out to be a huge projectā€¦

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well, you tried to make monopoly as well, which is harder?

I canā€™t wait for it! I actually have no idea how you would even do it so Iā€™m excited :slight_smile:


i exited the room when i read that

read what? we are almost at 200 commentsā€¦

Iā€™m such a good spelller lol

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x2 lol

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Mechanincally, MarioKart. It is kind of the magnum opus of Gimkit. It takes mechanics from a lot of different guides, and requres creativity as well. Time-wise, definitley Monopoly. The way I see it, Monopoly is like a rope. You can choose not to concatenate, which makes certian parts easier but more time consuming, or you could try to optimze, which takes around the same amount of time placing hundreds of properties, but can be expanded easier.

TLDR: MarioKart is hard in concept, while Monopoly will take forever no matter how you make it.


To give a couple examples of mechanics needed to make MarioKart:

  • Spawn displacment
  • Changing the whole game based off of one variable (not that hard, Iā€™ve done it before)
  • Lists
  • Gigantic speed spreadsheets
  • MASSIVE loot tables
  • Player ranking
  • Out of bounds
  • Resetting the game every lap
  • Sticky zones
  • Map design
  • A bunch of other stuff that I forgot about
    And itā€™s not even going to take that long!

I would say Pokemon is one of the easiest of the nintendo games to do, but you would have to use a truckload of properties if you donā€™t want to do each scenario individually. Also block limit.


well, since you are so smart @ClicClac, riddle me this:

how do i upgrade lots (put houses/hotels down)

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Well, my plan is to have a few properties for each space that can have houses: One to describe what level it is at, and a few to describe how much money you need to pay. Hopefully, it is just a multiplier, so you donā€™t need five properties per space. Then, you just reference the property using concatenation and BOOM! Finished!

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no, i know how to add houses. i mean how will a player physically do something to put a house on a specific lot. once i finish that, i can just change the rent property for the square, by checking how much rent currently is and then adding on to it. the price of houses stays the same for each lot so it shouldnā€™t be too hard, except for what i said earlier

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Idk, have a button? Iā€™m just using popups, so everything is covered, with the consequence of having to almost only use blocks.

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