Check which property is the highest

yeah, i was using popups to with game overlay button. but that takes block code to see what color groups you do, and it first checks if you own all purple, then all light blue. But let’s say you own orange and green. it will say do you want orange, and if you press no then you will get green. but that takes block code, and if you own even more, you get a monstrous amount of block code for every single combination of ownership

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I spent all of my daily TL3 likes on just this post.

@mysz Happy birthday!

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good to know im not the only one that is out of likes

My average day–


wow. i only have to wait 40 minutes

Same lol

yet you have over 200 less all time like than me

I should probably like posts more
Of the top 13 most liked people, I am the only one with under 100 given likes lol

I always forgor that exists :skull:

last time i averaged given and received, @Anythinger was winning with @WhoAmI close behind

i was talking to @PotionMaster

I would like that but :skull:


Pretty late, but what is it?

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Indexing makes it a LOT shorter. Player ids also help a lot. Just reading this chat lol.

Indexing WHAT makes WHAT a lot shorter?

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Indexing whether its a property or not, and other stuff makes monopoly shorter.

If you’re bored, make a guide on comparing player-scoped properties globally.

I’ll do that since a question about that comes up now and then. I’ll probably just copy and paste some stuff from the voting guide though.