Chart Course task (Skeld) (Stonian) (Difficulty: đźź© or 3.5/10)

Chart Course is a task in navigation that requires you to trace a line to complete the task. Note: this guide works with @Im_pretty_Cool’s taskbar guide found here. Another note: when the guide talks about settings, the only ones you need to change are the ones listed, and keep the rest of the settings the same. Materials:
5 zones,
1 popup,
1 relay,
2 teleporters,
and 1 button.
First place down a button. The settings:
Button message: Chart course
When pressed transmit on: Chart task
Deactivate when receiving on: Chart task done



Next, place a teleporter next to the button. The settings:
Visible in-game: No
Teleport here when receiving on: Chart task done



Next, make a room for the task to go in. Make a zig-zag line in the middle. On each of the points where the line changes direction, place a zone. The task will go from left to right. The leftmost zone’s settings:
Active on game start: Yes


Then, for all of the other zones put this for the settings:
Active on game start: No


Other zones part 2

The rightmost zone has an additional setting where when a player enters it, it broadcasts on “Chart task done”.



Rightmost zone part 2

Next, wire all of the zones from left to right. When player enters zone => Activate zone. Do this for all of the zones. Ex: Leftmost zone is wired to the one on the right of it. That zone is wired to the one on its right. When you reach the end of the zone and wire trail, then place down a popup. The settings:
Header: Task done!
When popup closed, transmit on: Task done


Ignore the “02 done” channel, that isn’t needed unless you are going to follow my tug gimong us that is in progress.

All you need to do now is put down a teleporter in the task room where the line is. The settings:
Visible in-game: No
Teleport here when receiving on: Chart task


Task teleporter

:tada: There! You are done! :tada: If you have any issues, just tell me in the comments. If you enjoyed this guide or found it helpful, a heart is always appreciated. Final image:


Great guide! We needed this! Also, more pictures would be great!


I’ll add some more pictures soon. I just don’t like pictures of the settings that much as they cause so much space to be taken up.


Nice Guide!
You could zoom out your browser and take screenshots from there.
(Gonna add this to the among-us tug)

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I’ll take a bunch of pictures, and then put them together in a photo editing tool so that I take up less space.


Is the picture for the settings too small to read?

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If you zoom in, you can see them, but maybe make them bigger?

I could try to make it bigger. How’s this? I’ll do multiple images.


nice guide!


Wow, awesome guide! Very in-depth with your info!

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would you mind putting the pictures for the right-most zone’s settings!
also great guide!

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It’s probably the same as all the other zones.
(Except for the first one which is active on game start)

Welcome to the community!

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Welcome to the forums! Sure, I’ll send you them right now.

Rightmost zone part 2
Here they are @KrishaShah! That reminds me, I should finish adding the pictures to this guide.

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Thank you so much!
Sorry for the silly question!

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