I’m trying to make a checkpoint system and I’m very stuck with this.
yes, but there is a checkpoint device if that what your asking for
I’m trying to make a system where the game remembers your exact position instead of using individual checkpoints scattered in random places.
I’d not think that is possible as of right now
You could also just have a checkpoint before every single jump… but I’m not sure how much memory that would take
It’s in top down. Also, I just said I’m not doing that.
do you want the cord system to track the players x and y?
yes, but it only puts the player coords in a property when they are knocked out.
ok give me like 30 mins to start testing
What you could do is use this guide, but use teleporters instead of text devices:
My map is way too big.
ok after a little test, this would take WAY to much memory for a couple of reasons
it would have to get the x and y of the players last location when there were touching the ground, which is probably impossible
You can’t to my knowing make a property active after a player is knocked out
If you’re asking for a way to “set” player coords through blocks, then it’s impossible.
The only way we could do this is: a) having teleporters everywhere, at which point it’s just better to fill the map with checkpoints; or b) using pseudo health. We’re still working on this, but there are some research topics finding things like this out.
Short answer: not with real health, no.
The original pseudo health guide was deleted in the purge, right?
But with gadgets, it’s super complicated. We’d need pseudo-hitboxes, which you can read about here.
so uh lets see … yes but its like this so player coordinates ex y 345 x 235 then overlay >>>> button pressed check what are the numbers are find it then when respawned teleport the player to there there check are the numbers in range of what if 300 - 350 and 200 - 250 then teleport the player on the flowers etc
They are always touching the ground.
Sorry, this doesn’t make a lot of sense…