Can you make melee weapons?

Im trying to make a COD zombies type game and was wodering if you can make melee weapons?

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Unfortunately, you can’t make custom weapons in Gimkit Creative. I would say the closest thing to a melee weapon is a quantum portal as you can pretty much only hit players with that if you get really close.


Even then, the player can still outrun the portal shot.


I have a solution But it would require a lot of work you could place zones every where except where sentries are and make it so in the zone you cant shot.

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this would work unless if people could become zombies.

well, you could have the simulation that there is a melee weapon with tag zones. if there are players fighting players, than tags could work, but it you do the zone things like @William said, with the tag zones and you had any weapon you want, there could be a game overlay or something that kills them, and for sentries when the button is pressed and you are in a zone .(achievable by having a property that is true/false with when you enter the zone, the property is true, and when you leave it is false, and the sentry is deactivated when you press the button with the property being true.) but this would be time and memory

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welcome to the community!


i second that

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third it


i fourth your third that


I that third your fourth

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you mean ‘fifth your fourth’
man, this is confusing


I know, I was just joking around.

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well joking around sure has become confusing
i am wondering if my IQ is really 135…


I whatever whatever number we’re on


I sixth your fifth!

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