All Things Pseudo Health (Don't reply)

I’m flummoxed about this, especially how I’ve never used a property of pseudo before…


It’s probably going to be the coding that’s screwing it up. Maybe AUO too.

I like that circular zone in the background. Very helpful for some games

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so i need you to go to the trigger that has the Set property Pseudo health- 20 blocks in it. It has other code in it, right? Some thing along the lines of if pseudo health = 0, broadcast on channel dead?

No, I think the other one does.


@LlamaLady22 anything wrong that I did?


Delete the if do code that i just put in quotations, and use this instead.

credit to I-am-helpful

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It wasn’t you, it was me. the if do code doesn’t work because it doesn’t continue rechecking it. I believe it should work if you do the checker method instead.

So, tell me, what are you trying to do, what is it doing, and do you have any clue why?

I want to track the pseudo health.


Could you show me a screenshot of the blockcode?

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Do you want to track it going down or up?

@GimSolver I am sooooo sorry but I just realized something. If you only need them to lose health in that small zone, just use normal health and put lasers right there. No pseudo health neccesary I know this has wasted a lot of your time, but if we look on the bright side at least you learned a lot about properties, blocks, and Pseudo health today…?

And… I just replied to wingwave. Sorry wingwave

I know, I don’t like the laser solution.

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Plus, we already came this far, why stop now?

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So, what’s the problem now?

that is true! now the blockcode, for the health check?

Please never call me Gimsolver or gimsolver. It irritates me. It’s GimSolver.

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It’s ok, everyone makes mistakes.

thanks for the shoutout, I just noticed it lol

So what code do I need to fix? For what device?

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