Art Library (Nothing Inappropriate) Post Here

you can choose…

I just ended it. Don’t know how to delete.

great guide! try adding some picture on the steps so It not so confusing.

where did the “nothing inappropriate” come from?

so people can post their art in the replies @margimkitcreator

I Can make you a wiki for this, since its formated like one.

That will be great! can you @Caternaught ?

there is already an art wiki

yes, i was just looking for one and found it.

where is it @Foxy ? can you send me the link?

you can add your art projects here if its short and does not need a guide

you linked you bump not the guide

dang. well the bump was in the guide, wasn’t it?

Thank you @Caternaught and @Foxy !

well there are 2 guides we don’t need a 3rd

yes, and we do not need to argue :blush:

besides, no one is creating a terrain art request wiki, so ima do that

That is a great idea @Caternaught

well im good at terrain art so i am making a wiki on how to do it and requests.
(meaning people are going to request for terrain art and I’m going to make it)

see below: