Art Library (Nothing Inappropriate) Post Here

should I make it a wiki?

you canā€™t you have to be tl3

oh. should I delete it?

or should I end the poll???

you can chooseā€¦

I just ended it. Donā€™t know how to delete.

great guide! try adding some picture on the steps so It not so confusing.

where did the ā€œnothing inappropriateā€ come from?

so people can post their art in the replies @margimkitcreator

I Can make you a wiki for this, since its formated like one.

That will be great! can you @Caternaught ?

there is already an art wiki

yes, i was just looking for one and found it.

where is it @Foxy ? can you send me the link?

you can add your art projects here if its short and does not need a guide

you linked you bump not the guide

dang. well the bump was in the guide, wasnā€™t it?

Thank you @Caternaught and @Foxy !

well there are 2 guides we donā€™t need a 3rd

yes, and we do not need to argue :blush:

besides, no one is creating a terrain art request wiki, so ima do that