Art for new game or profile

LOL, @VWOOM! Do you think I’m a dragon? I’m really an Elder Wizard in a draconic form (read my bio) so that I can better safeguard the Realm. What do u think of my bio lore?

You dare speak my username… fire will rain, and I will relish every moment. It is a dark day in the house of forums…

Do you think u scare me? LOL! :dragon_face: :mage: What’s wrong with pinging you?

I’ll summon a storm unlike this world has ever seen, wiping away everything in my wrath. I’m the master of lore and none can defeat me.

Please make sure to stay on topic!

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i love it. it’s awesome!

Chill, guys! we’re friends now!

Thank you! i agree! we are all friends(or at lest allies).

Dude, he is a friend. Also, I’m part dragon! Your profile is technically applying to me. (Oops… just spilled some lore…)

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Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

@Kat_aronii, have u been getting my messages? I’ve been trying to get in contact with u.

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from wix, or forums?

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Forums. I want to know if u can help me make some custom art for The Gimmie Awards I’m going to host.

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Yea, I will absolutely help!
It sound fun :smiley:

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Thanks! I’ve seen your artwork on the forums, and it looks like the exact style of art I need for the Gimmie Awards. For more info on the Gimmie Awards, see below.

Are you good at drawing trophies?

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Yea, I can draw just about anything

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That sounds a little braggy, but that’s good. Can u use the chat box on my website? I can give u more info there.

It would be on the Gimstream, right?
if not could you possibly send me the link?

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Yea, my only website at the moment is GimStream.

Can you please get on topic? It’s been 21 off topic posts now! It really is the dark days of the forums.

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Good point. That’s why it’s called The 2nd Dark Ages, LOL.

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