All About Text!

You know what? There are guides about text. But this will include EVERYTHING.

~~ References: ~~

Let's start with just basic stuff!

Da Ultimate Overview of the Text Settings

Let’s analyze this image. In this image, (yes I like Raze, fight me) there are three settings, all of which are pretty straightforward.

Text: the text that you want. 
Font Size: The size of your text
Content Scope: This is harder. But if you change the text,
probably because of blocks, who does it affect? 

Next tab!
So, this is titled, appearance. This controls how to change the color of the text and stroke and stuff.

Text Size: The size of the text. 
Font: Changes the style of the text. 
Text Color: Changes the overall color of the text. 
Alpha: Changes the transparency of the text.
Str0ke Width: Adds an outline to the text, and the thickness
depends on the number given.

That wasn’t so hard, was it? Moving on!

Visible: Says if you can see it at the start of the game.
Hide Text: On what channel does the text disappear?
Show Text: On what channel does the text appear?

Wow! Done!

Achievement earned: Da Text Apprentice

Wires and Potatoes

So, this will be a pretty short section. Just talking about wires.

In this image, there are 3 options.

  1. You can show the text.
  2. You can hide the text.
  3. You can eat potato run the wire pulse block.

So, what does this all mean? Simple.
1 and 2 are pretty obvious.
3 is a little more challenging.
What 3 means is that you can run a block.
We’ll talk about that later, but for now forget that it even exists.

Harder stuff!

You might remember blocks. This is just the basic blocks, like changing your text, or changing the color. In this guide, we won’t go deep, as there are other guides for that.
Yeah, here are the 2 kinds of blocks.

When receiving on channel is where when you get a channel, if that channel matches, then the block runs.
On wire pulse, you probably remember from the last section. If that happens, then the block runs. not too hard, right? Right?

This is all we’re going to do. You can check this guide for more info on text. But Set text sets the text (duh) and Set Text Color sets the text color! (also duh)

Achievement Earned: Da Texter
Things you can do with text

You can do a lot of things!
Like this:
Da Gif
Look at the text, sorry for the low quality.

Cool text now!
There are guides on this, I know. They're up above.
Epic Text Examples

Here is an example. It’s a design, involving 3D text (kinda), an emoji, and another emoji.

Text has a lot of potential.
Toxic, out!

  • 1/10
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  • 10/10
  • 11/10
  • :skull:/10
0 voters

Great guide @Toxic!

This is a great guide, but all I would say is this is like a tug, pretty sure we have a tug on the devices.

Also the guides you showed up there are more aesthetic, while you’re trying to inform the reader about how to use text properly.

Another thing is one of your screenshots is just of “game starting” which isn’t really informative, pretty sure that’s bad timing I think unless this is on purpose.

Lastly, you said all about text, so I was also kind of anticipating things you could do to make it look aesthetically pleasing, but other than that, this is pretty much just a tug. Not a bad, but not a great guide. I would say this is about average, mistakes here and there, but it would inform someone.

If I could I would link the tug to text, but I think they were deleted during the purge.

But yeah, just my overview and opinion on the guide


Oh yeah that now I realize.

Yeah, it’s gone.

I will add more.

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Why did I get notified by Toxic in this?

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I referenced your guide.

I am terrible at identifying things, where is it?

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In the blocks section.

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I literally just found it LMAO. Cool guide. :smile:


I found out how to use the text device thanks to this guide
definitely a 11/10 for effort and difficulty

Good guide with great detail

Pls dont eat me :sob: lol

I don’t that T’s can eat, so you’re safe!

You thought wrong!



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(post eaten)

Great guide, Ive been looking on how to do that and I also just realized I coulda done a game I published really differently lol
But overall great guide


@twofoursixeight can you make this a wiki?