Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

This topic was automatically opened after 24 hours.

Voting will be starting tomorrow morning :slight_smile:


Hey, um @Blackhole927 , I found this on the discovery:

I swear this is not me
I would report this


wait hold up let me see it for myself.

two what flaggable I want to know about this?

it says happy anniversary gimkit.

we in 2024 so what wrong about it @lonewolf0230

also I can’t even find it already got flagged. u sure?

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This is the fanart in the original Gimkit awards
Hmm… I guess it’s already flagged
I just wanted to let y’all know

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oh in that case yeah it already got flagged I cannot find it anywhere even if caps.


Just send an email with a link the map and request it be taken down.


Alright, since this is the only gimkit awards post open right now, I’m gonna post the voting link here so more people can see it.
Gimkit Awards Nominations Voting

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If you haven’t voted… vote!


@Blackhole927, has anyone voted for me? Also, how many total votes do you have? :thinking:

i don’t know who and where to see what to even vote on/

I swear,
why is my art there>

(this may not happen but asking anyway)

Will there be a place (besides discord) to have an
“art gallery” for others who don’t know your work to see?

maybe like a site you could link, and those fanartists / creative artists who want to run, post there
so people can see the work that they did without advertising here, or trying to get people to visit their sites.

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when was mode madness

It is still up.
You can’t search the map by its exact name, you have to use some of the keywords in its title, such as “worlds”.

Edit: It also is showing up in trending right now.

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we need to report it?

There are currently 99 votes. No info about results will be shared until voting is done.

Bruh the map with stolen art is outperforming my map and it is objectively easier than mine so false advertising too :frowning:


You need to do smth like Even Harder World’s Hardest Platformer, and add some aren’t related to that game.

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I did a test, and those that aren’t related to the game itself are played more.

it had a fan art or copyed the thumbnail of the gimkit awards.

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probaly yes since the map due to stolen art. I currently seeing the insides

welp it didn’t lied about it being the world hardest plaftormer.

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“You’ll hate me for this” is such a better name (although it sadly doesn’t show up in search results for some reason) and I’m sticking with it.

No, YHMFT is definitely harder.