Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

Sorry about being off topic blackhole.

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ofc! email me so I can keep tracck of the requests.

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Je3z, full category on the gimmie awards?

whatā€™s wrong with it?

you can win 10K gimbucks if you win, pretty cool community event if I say so myself, even though Iā€™m not participating in it.

Iā€™m drawing like he11 to get Fanartist notifications. I agree, itā€™s an amazing event, but I think Iā€™m a little too competitiveā€¦

Oh, I just meant that itā€™s cool how that happens. (Besides, I donā€™t win nothin)

oh ok lol. Saw it as a wrong tone, mb lol

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*The gimkit awards.
This isnā€™t the gimmie awards.


Still gonna say their the same thing.

But the Gimkit Awards are official, and the gimmie ones arenā€™t

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They arenā€™t. Two different projects by two different people going on a two separate times are not the same thing, please do not claim anything to the contrary.


They are not the same thing.

The gimkit awards is an official event ran by me and unstable, the gimmie awards is run by gimkit101 and he hasnā€™t even posted much of anything on the forum about it.

We also have actual prizes in terms of gimbucks.


Let me have this. I could call it the gimtastical kit-awards. Why does it matter? Theyā€™re the same in my opinion at least.

It matters because they arenā€™t the same event lol

Why are you getting so defensive about this?

Because theyā€™re not the same things and people will get really confused if you keep calling this the gimmie awards.


Iā€™m not super mad or anything lol, itā€™s just this is an event me and unstable planned, organized, and are running. Gimkit101 doesnā€™t get credit for that. Weā€™ve worked hard on making this thing work, so itā€™s a bit insulting to just have it called something completely different and have it be attributed to someone who isnā€™t us.

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Oh, sorry. My bad, ummm. Iā€™m gonna like, dissapear for a day and try to remember that. And I problably should have thought about this.

is the defensiveness in the room with us right now? /nm

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me when forum users donā€™t do the bare minimum amount of thinking (this happens all the time) (sorry it just sounded funny)

Iā€™m sorry forā€¦ that, but seriously man, please try to be moreā€¦ uhā€¦ preemptive? with your statements? does that work?