Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

not going to mension mine…

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Screenshot 2024-04-04 2.22.48 PM


We already hit the bottom, only way out is up!


@Unstable I think for maps/fan-art there should be like a theme (that you can choose)

That’s just the gim jam again lol

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yea bruh u shouldn’t have brought this one up now this is gonna get like 2k in the first 4 hours

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should we ask pharalin to close this one too?

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no, we should just not reply on this one unless we have questions on the gimkit awards, and i wouldn’t be suprised if blackhole + unstable flagged the posts that weren’t


Wait @Unstable I have a great idea for you:

Change the category of this post for a second to Devices, marks solution, and let the post close!


That’s pointless, people still have occasional questions about the gimkit awards so I don’t feel a need to close it yet.


yes @Unstable that’s a good point!

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For the Google Forms, will it be type answer or just multiple choice, as there are a lot of gims to fit in a google form (even just for one rarity). Since there are many awesome gims, do we only get one choice on what to pick or do we get to pick 2+? Honestly, you should use Strawpoll as it lets you have a number rating.


Did josh distribute the gimbucks yet?

You’ll pick your favorite. So… one.

Gimbucks will be distributed when the awards are over and the winners have been announced. So… no.


I checked and I don’t think anyone else has asked this (I hope)

Can you submit one game for multiple different categories?
For example, in my description, I have a game that is a recreation of Rise of Kingdoms®, which could be classified under Best Game Remake in Gimkit. However, would I also be able to submit the game to Best Creative Game?
(I don’t think my game is the best, I’m more focused on being the Best GKC artist, just wondering)

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You absolutely can, but we made the categories so that most likely you shouldn’t be able to win multiple categories with one game. Again, you totally can do this, and you game can win multiple categories, but it probably won’t. But it can. So yes.


To @Blackhole927 and @Unstable Only: - Only read this reply if you are this user.

Google Form for the Voting (Editing Page).
Do not flag this post.

We’ll be making our own form, don’t worry about it. Thanks for the offer though!


…LOL it’s so intense…

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I can’t wait to see how it compares to mine. This wasn’t official yet anyway. It was going to be official if you approve it. But no problem. Have a nice day.