Additional information about the Gimkit Awards!

I’m just saying with the Season Ticket it would take 500 weeks to get the Josh skin, without 666.666666666666 weeks. Funny though

I heard somewhere that it was deleted from the files for being too scary for 6 year olds


What? That is hilarious.

wait rlly?
that’s funny

did anybody actually have the josh gim tho. it would be nearly impossible.

it was deleted like 10 months ago.

No, the richest user back then had 356,000 gimbucks.

no nobody owns it.

No that’s impossible.

I always thought it looked wierd.

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:open_mouth: Dang lol :rofl:

The josh gim was basically just a joke for April fools day, and now there are a bunch of memes with it :person_facepalming:.


There always has been.

I guess it was supposed to be like a “meme skin”

Yeah definitely, anyway I am gonna get back to working on my game now.

how long will the event or gimkit awards last for or end? or when will we see the final votes?

its a week.
no more no less.
(it says in the gkc awards post i think or somewhere in the comments)

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ahhh its so peace and quiet with no ppl replying on every single post :slight_smile:

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don’t jinx it!

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(ohh sry)

No way that’s true.

I mean, it would be a useless gim since it was only around for April Fools 2023. If it’s in April fools 2024, not that much people would laugh.