A guide to creating a fun and exciting game

Here’s an guide to create a fun game, however, it is not a guide to give you ideas. It’s just a guide to help you make your game attracting and fun.You don’t have to follow those tips, but they just help you make your game “funner”.

If you are one of those lazy people who just want a TL;DR, I’m sorry. These tips are really important, so please read all of them. If you reeaally dont want to read everything, at least read the last 3 topics.


Back in June, there has been a horde of people all trying to make amongus, and numerous guides were also tutorials on making amongus, such as a voting system, venting, etc. Honestly, I personally think a game is interesting when its different from all other games. For instance, florr.io and arras.io are 2 of my top favorite games, as they are unique from all other io games. The best way to attract players into playing your game is making it unique and interesting.

Your "audience"

When making your game, keep in mind of your “audience”, the people who play your game. Don’t make a 60 player game when only 5 friends are playing it. And don’t make a singleplayer game for your classmates to play. Keep in mind of your audience and adjust the game to fit the audience.

How hard it is

When making a game, DO NOT MAKE IT SUPER HARD AND GRINDY. Players wouldn’t want near impossible games. If you do want to make something nearly impossible, first make some levels that are easy and gradually make it harder. Also, don’t make it grindy. What I mean is making an item that costs 1000 cash, and an item spawner generates 1 cash per second. That makes it boring and long, and people who tried it out will soon stop playing.


A game can be rated by how hard it is to make. Usually, complicated games are a lot more fun than simple games. For example, a dungeon complete with loot crates and bosses sounds more fun than a simple tagging game, right?


This is kinda optional, but to boost the “funness” of your game, you can add a story that the player uncovers as the player plays the game. Many fun games all have lore, such as Mario, Gimkit, etc.


This is probably the hardest. To make your game more attractive, you should base it on a genre that your “audience” likes. For example, if you wanna create a game for your friends, who all like action, you could make an action game such as Snowbrawl. If your audience likes roleplay, you can make a roleplay game. Making a poll to find out what your “audience” likes and dislikes.


You may find out that when you finish a game, and then play it, the first few times of playing it is fun. But then, the game slowly becomes boring as you learn all the tips and tricks. Every so often, (perhaps every month or so) update your game. Add or change the rules, the story, maps and gamemodes. You could make limited edition gamemodes during a specific time period, or add more easter eggs (will explain in another section). It even helps to have a changelog in a separate slot so players could keep track of the updates. However, updating too much will make your players feel like the game is changing way too rapidly. You could add a poll to see if your “audience” wants another update, or you could make a post about suggestions on update ideas.

Easter eggs

To make your game more interesting, you could add easter eggs. Easter eggs could include anything from secret rooms, a special upgrade, a funny picture, or secret achievements. However, don’t make the easter eggs really hard to find or else your “audience” may not think there are any easter eggs.


No matter how perfect you think your game is, there are always bugs. Ask your “audience” to test the game and report any bugs you find. If you don’t fix the bugs, people may just exploit the bugs to their advantage and win every time, which makes the other people rage-quit and your game popularity goes down. To motivate your “audience” to find the bugs, you could add an reward for each bug they find. For example, you could create a god room that can control the aspects of the game, and then use the god room to give the bug-finder some boosts (such as currency, upgrades, etc.). You could add the fixed bugs to your changelog too, and state the name of the player who found it (if you have one).

Asking for help

I’ve seen too many posts in the help section that could be solved with a simple arrangement of devices and wires. When you want to make something, but you don’t know how to do it, don’t immediately ask for help on the forum. Its more satisfying when you solve a problem on your own instead of asking the forum members to solve it for you. In addition, you could build up more problem-solving skills to solve harder problems you may encounter. Unless you’ve been trying to solve it for days, please don’t ask for help.


New suprises show up all the time. Make a seperate slot in Gimkit Creative just for experimenting. You can test out different mechanism, explore how devices interact, and more! Don’t rely too heavily on the communtiy made guides. When you figured something out, look over it again and try to make it more memory-efficient.

Think big

Whenever you have an idea, pursue it. Don’t throw it away, or give up on it. Sometimes, when you have a really neat idea, but you can’t make it on Gimkit Creative, don’t give up. Don’t assume something is impossible, because nothing is impossible. Work hard and try to find the solution.
A post about “Impossible” things
Some good examples of “impossible things” being solved.
The original way of making a backspace button. 10.48% memory. 🟧 - #17 by getrithekd
The Graphing Calculator Guide | Difficulty: 🟪

All those tips are optional, but they are highly recommended to keep your game exciting and fun.
Thank you for reading.


Ok- one point, the difficulty of a game can be pretty much anything, for example, One Way Out Gimpossible has been grinded to the point where the solo world record is 17:30. People will do anything if the game is fun enough :slight_smile:


I love how someone just loved my post without taking the time to read it
isnt that what i wrote in the post? “take your time and read it”

Yeah. Difficulties are cool.

I finished reading it.

I am a speedreader.

you two read everything in under 1 minute…

Wow! This is amazing! Great job, @Pika_Pokemon!

(I took 4 minutes)

I swear I’ve seen this somewhere.

is gim ai active

No, read @GimAI’s profile.

GimAI is smart

Small correction, lore and story are two different things (unless I read the phrasing wrong)

u know what i mean

I hope that Bumping this will excite all of you.

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BURMP (sorry Seventh dragon, my brother said that you allowed it for him so I tried it out…)

You can’t say that. It’s copyrighted by @The_7th_Dragon (I think).

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on topic, please. I did nothing wrong…