A few things the new "Stadium Ad Base" prop Can look like + how to make them [0/10]

I found some things that the new “Stadium Ad Base” prop can make
(16 grid snap is recommended)


Materials: Ad Bases x amount of stairs

First Turn-off collision
Then click the “Change Size” button in the bottom left corner

Then rotate it 180° and place them in a column and it should look like this:


Just, wow, (screams in happiness)
Materials: 2 Ad Bases (Start with 1), and 1 barrier

Rotate 1 Ad Base 90° (doesn’t matter which direction)
Step 1
and copy that Base and rotate it to face the other door
Screenshot 2024-02-05 4.16.12 PM
Then place a barrier and give it these settings:
Screenshot 2024-02-05 4.19.52 PM
Then place it behind the “Doors”
Screenshot 2024-02-05 4.22.08 PM
If you don’t use the barrier this will happen:

Can’t Delete this post so don’t flag it. i added it to: Cool ways to use props 2.0 (Difficulty ⬜ or 0/10)


sweet guide. :smiley:

Thanks! it’s my first!

Just note that as a Basic (TL1), you only have a few days to edit this.

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welcome to the docs @Splatter

how do you upgrade trust?

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It looks like a realistic elevator door.

No image? Also, good guide.

sorry i’ll fix it :slightly_frowning_face: give me a sec

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You’re fine.

I fixed it lol

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Nice first guide (finally, good looking elevator doors!)

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I edited the title and tags because

  1. ideas is used for people looking for ideas
  2. all art guides are 0/10 or :white_large_square:

How did you edit it?!

I am a regular here and therefore can edit anyone’s title and tags


Except locked ones (like update posts)

i’m aiming to get regular trust level. do you have to log in 15 consecutive days?

No that is member

thats member