A Comprehensive Study on the Coordinate Device Zone : A Further Extension (4/10)

Some people have given thought into this, and I have formulated it into a guide!


The Why

So, I bet some of you guys went onto discovery, started playing a platformer, then fell (ik its so annoying, slope jumps are overrated) But you landed into a empty zone, with the nearest laser 5000 meters away.
I aim to solve this problem by using the coordinate device.

The How

So everyone knows that gimkit has a coordinate device, which can tell you the current location of a player (it’s X and Y coordinate) So what we do, is a If : Player Y < (the ko zone top) then broadcast ko, then ko manager ko.

Capabilites and Possibilites

So, yall might be saying that coordinate systems have too much memory, and its more efficient to use zones, but you can do math with the player x and y, which can give a whole slew of different possibilities, such as a shrinking zone, or making it so that if u go higher, u cant go down (if player y < player y-10) and I think, If this is a big map that uses a lot of zones, one coordinate device is probably better.

Summary :
Even though zones are a easy and simple mechanism, coordinate systems are better, because of its infinite range, and its ability to do everything in only one device, decreasing clutter, and less memory (if u have 27 or more zones.)
Also coordinate devices are more flexible, as they can compare and alter the variables, which zones cannot.

– Epi320

Scripts :

DLD KO script

Ok, so if you are making a DLD game, and you need a kill area, then this script will cover all of the ground needed.

this is a script that makes it so that once you are past a certain area (the start of level) and if u are below a Y then u ko.

Basically its this graph, and it will send ko when u are in overlapping area.

Rising Lava Script

This script makes it so that when you jump up, you won’t be able to go down.
Also this is good for doodle jump…
YO REVELUTIONARY GAME WHOOOOOPY !!! (if u make this game and it gets trending you gotta give me credit :rofl:

This is the script for it.


First like + reply
Nice how you explained how a coords device is useful!
Coordinates device underrated. Huge possibilities.
(That’s it.)


great guide, i rank this guide a: 9/10

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  • Blackhole Graphing Calc level stuff. (ie 11/10)
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You should move this to devices.

no i think they should keep it in Community Made Guides

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Yes, I think this topic should be moved to Devices, this topic is about devices, therefore should be moved there as Devices is no longer the trash can.


oh ok i see now why it should

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Alright working on the pictures rn.

@here I got all the pics.
Do yall have other ideas?

Guys, ik that some of y’all want it to be in devices, but I wrote this to be more of a guide than a concept thingy. hope y’all can understand why I put it in guides.

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What do y’all think about the new images?
anything to improve on?

@ClicClac said it wasn’t suppost to be a big thing.

I didn’t mean it to be a on the nature of series.
do u want me to change title?
Super Sorry :sweat_smile:

pls don’t flag…
also what is the rule about bumping. can I bump something from like a year ago?

Guide? Yes.

Anything else? No.

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wait, can u clarify? what u mean by this

You can bump any guide.

You can’t bump, lets say… a help topic, unless it’s your own.


ok. ty. also about the on the nature of thing, I didn’t put on the nature of in my title.

each day these titles sound more and more like a PhD research statement :skull: