Diving into the Realm of Collision Triggered Events, and how the Zone is Overused

So, I was working on a map, and was going to use a zone, but my map needed extremely precise measurements, which the zone lacks. Then I thought about the zone for a while, until I came to the conclusion that zones are overrated, and overused.
Now, I am not saying the zone is the new repeater, but it definently has its cons.

First, lets compare the zone to the trigger :


  • Zones have wonky hitboxes (get to this later)
  • triggers are more customization
  • triggers are 5 times more memory efficient
  • Zones has some unique settings that the trigger lacks.

OK, so lets first talk about flexibility and customization.
A zone is quite useful, as it has the ability to detect players going in, and out. Also, it can turn off gadget fire! But compared to the trigger, it does lack a couple things. Let say, you only wanted the zone to toggle a certain amount of times. You solve this by making a counter, wired to the zone. But then you reconsider, wait, if i use a trigger, there is a max trigger setting! WHOOOOOOPY! *you retaliate by saying “What if we want to cover a big area,? The trigger only has a small area that we can use to use collision to trigger!” Now, yes yes, This is true, but I need to remind you, most of the time, we use a zone to cover a certain room or something. What we can do is block the entrance with trigger, then once it triggers, it turns off, turns on another trigger, then when that one triggers, deactivate that one, then reactivate the old one. So BOOM!!! WE DID IT!

Next, we hit the wonky hitboxes. I’m going to keep this one short, but basically, zone hit boxes are a little bit off. Now this really doesnt matter most of the time, but well, it makes some precise calculations near impossible. While, if you use a trigger, it might cover a smaller area, but it is extremely precise. You can either block the entrance, or if it is a large area, use a coordinate device. (talk about this later.) Or if u want, you can border the area with triggers.

Need we really talk about memory?
I mean, triggers are 40, zones are 200. End of story

When I talk about unique settings, I am saying stop gadget fire. Now, yes, trigger lacks that, but there is a simple fix. Slap a barrier over the area, and you got yourself a gadget free area.

Coordinate Device

Ok, lets talk coordinate device.

  • Litterally unlimited zones, as you can set parameters, using < and >
  • A lot more memory.
  • Property Linked
  • Can detect if you spawn in zone.

So, im not gona write a lot on the coordinate device, because if you really want the full yap session,

here it is!

Anyways, a summary of it is that due to the property, and it updates whenever the player moves, it can track the player location quite efficiently. It is more precise, (at least thats what i think)
and can make unlimited zones. I’m pretty sure if you use over 27 zones, the memory is worth it. On the topic of memory, the coordinate device is a bit more demanding on memory, so if you only see the Zone like once, you need to consider the cons. Its more precise because of its trigger timing. Basically, the coordinate device triggers every time someone moves, (player scoped) which is a lot faster than the Zone. Ig you can say that it’s auo is higher that the Zone?
Also, if you spawn into a zone, it doesn’t trigger, but if you use a trigger loop, then compare the x and y values, you can detect stuff in zones. (thanks to @Firebirds for accidentally showing me this. We were pranking each other, when he made an infinite ko chamber with a zone, but didn’t work.)

Anyways, in conclusion, basically, the Zone is overused. We can substitute it with a lot of things.
Now, I do admit, there are some situations that we need a zone for, so stop commenting random very specific situations. I am just talking about how in general, zones are overused.
Anyways, I’m going to stop typing now. Thanks for reading another one of Epi320 15 min essay.


Welp, my hands are now super sore.


This is amazing! Good job!!! :smiley: not me barely reading the first paragraph… :sweat_smile:


this guide is a W and I can agree zones are overused in top down maps, but they’re actually underused in platformers
people just spam lasers to oof people that fall


Wait…the coord device could in theory take away some zones so the coord device can detect if your at a certain place at a certain time




i think this is a great guide and I definitely see what you mean however for a lot of beginners the zone is easier especially in platformer maps when you can use that instead of spamming lasers like @Coderdash said. but the coordinate device is really helpful too ESPECIALLY if you want to make a map that shows how high you are (like meters in DLD)


Yes, a zone is easily more beginner friendly, and yep, coordinate devices can also be used to display cords to player


I agree with most everything you say; however, I think it might be good to include that zones can have advantages over other devices.
For example, a trigger is only better than a zone over 1 square. A large area is best fit by a zone. And while the coordinate device zone is great, it is more complex and uses more memory.
As for precision, there’s always grid snap. which works for devices too. This way your zone can perfectly match up with the grid that terrain goes on.

So overall, nothing’s really wrong with the zone, but you do make some good points here. It’s a pretty fair argument for either, in truth.



lemme clarify. Basically, if you walk into a zone, you can move aboutt 3 blocks before it triggers. With coordinate devices or triggers, it is a lot more precise.

if it is a open area, the Zone is superior.

ok, I’ll add that now.


Suggestions anyone?


you could possibly try and see if this can track positions within a circle area, as a zone cant do that.


Ok, lemme see, we are definently going to need coordinate device for this. only problem is, i dunno the formula for all coordinates on the circle

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this guide is good but I have a question Don’t most people use zones when they’re first starting. Just a thought

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scroll scroll scr–
*BUMPs into a trigger



I had an idea of that and blocks that I thought/should work but it didn’t work

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hmm, really?
Could I see the code?

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yes one sec but maybe if I used a property with it

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A trigger can do more than a zone including it can trigger stuff without a person having to be touching it. BUT the zone, although it cannot beat that like you said the trigger is only better by 1 square. while the zone can stretch for I think as big as the map. Preferably I would use zones as of my info BUT I do use triggers for very specific functions though

But this idea on coord devices knowing where you are is just fascinating and could be useful sometime

Sorry if this reply is late Here_to_Help

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Huh, never knew this.

Yes, but we’re kinda focusing on when a player is there.