3D Viewpoints in GKC

Ohh, and all this time I though it would be problems, that are solved, would revolutionize gimkit.

The problem with sentries is that it can kill you.

Just add it to your team lol

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I tried that- I was unable to kill the sentry when it was on my team.

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Oh yeah, forgot about that.

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I don’t think it is curently solved. If so, I’d love to see a working prototype. Another issue woukd be ray-casting and actually rendering objects though.

That’s not too difficult, though, depending on what you’re making.

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I’m so in to make this work. Does anyone know how to make the 3d stuff with text operations?

Rendering 3D objects isn’t that bad. The theory also seems pretty sound, so I wouldn’t call it solved, but I wouldn’t call it an ongoing problem unless the theory fails.


Two the’s, funny how the human brain likes to ignore that.


It took me a far too long to spot that haha. Lemme fix it.


Not if it’s not shooting at you. If you add a target closer to it than to you, it may shoot that one instead…
I dunno, its worth a test.
But yeah, you can’t kill your own team—even sentries.


The problem is creating a system to make the 3d objects and then rendering them based on that system.

What do you mean?

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There’s lots of math, but it is possible. Apollo made the platformer and that was pretty dang cool, all you need is a third dimension.

Obviously that’s an understatement, but we can do it…

we REALLY need a player tracker
(coords, movement angle, etc)


Like how you make an apple or something in blender. You need to actually make the 3d object.

A 3D renderer would probably only support basic shapes, so you would only need to store a small amount of data about a shape to render it.
For example, for any rectangular prism-
x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, xr, yr, zr, color
And all of that can be stored in a single property too.

or sphere
x, y, z, r, color


Blender has a built-in 3d image modeler so it can function. Gimkit… does not. We need to “re-learn” all of the information every time the visual vector changes. We can store the data for things like rectangular prisms, as bh said, but it’s gonna be a lot of re-checking things.


Yes, then you use basic shapes, to make up more complicated ones.

