25 most important GKC guides

Hey! I was working on a project that involves having a dozen to two dozen NPCs (space issues), and doing so requires a list of important ideas to find the people that would make the most sense in a game filled with GKC users. So, what are you guyses[1] most important guides? Two rules:

  1. I can’t be on the list
  2. Try to only put people on once

Thanks in advance, and happy list making!

  1. This word works when talking. ↩︎


Uh this is technically off topic so uh sorry. I mean it isn’t related to GKC directly, and it would be a resources scenario.

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I don’t think this is allowed, but here are some good guides that come to my mind:

Shdwy’s Repeater guide & Guide on how to make good guides
Cello’s Platforming guide
Wywy’s 3D Terrain guide

I think haiasi’s [ 📜 ] The Ultimate Guide To FNAF 1! is pretty good



Don’t mind me asking, but what is a resources scenario?

Nah it’s fine, really I’m sorry because it sounds like a neat project. You could take it over to the Discord if you have it.

Resource guides are being sort of phased out and replaced with tags, so if this was going to be something public like that then uh… yeah.

However, we could put the most important guides in our bios so check those if you want, I guess.

Sure I’ll try to think of some.

Oh, I didn’t know. It wasn’t really meant to be public, but I could see that being a neat recourse. Could you put a list in your bio?[1]

  1. Thanks @Slim! ↩︎


This topic will automatically close in 2 days.

Uh @Slim the three hours might have been long enough…?

I mean this is technically, off-topic, but I’m also curious where this goes. Clic what do you plan to do with this list exactly?

California_Love’s topic wasn’t unlisted or closed, and it was a highly opinionated help topic for their guide.


I was massing with timers, sorry.

I was going to check who made each guide and add each person to the game I was making as an NPC. The list was just a nice way for people to not immediately start putting themselves in and it could double as important GKC concepts/mindsets that I could teach in the future.

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Check out ClicClac’s “How to Make _____Land”. Just kidding. It’s gone :sob:

wait wut

oh my goodness its actually gone

Yeah you weren’t here but there was a “guide purge” which mysteriously deleted a lotta guides like TUGTED for no reaosns (the ones that were super popular). Blackhole said as far as he knew, it was for a “legitimate reason”, but none was ever given.


Then I think this is GKC-related enough. If you add more context to the first post I’ll list it again.

Storage space issues I believe.

Yeah that’s totally allowed, just having the list wouldn’t be because it isn’t connected. That’s a great idea to make as a game as well.

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I don’t think topics take up very much space, images do. But even some of my guides that were removed only had about 3 images.

I don’t think so, because the guides of mine that were removed only had about 5 replies each.

I’m not sure but I think they removed ones with a lot of replies. What’s in the past is the past now though.