2 things i need help with

No, still doesn’t work. It just got deleted.

Wire for team 1 (lifecycle to relay)

Wire for team 1 (relay to popup)

note that the relays may all relay to a single player, two players or 3 players, due to luck. this doesnt really contribute to your problem, but its just a seperate problem to keep in mind.

i suggest you use a system to keep track of player names and create a randomizer using block code

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Does team 2 get specific weapons? We could use this to make sure someone doesn’t get selected twice.

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I’m not good at block code, so i don’t know how to build a randomizer.


Yes, team 2 does.


quick mini-mini-guide to store player names

get a property called “playername”
make the scope “player”

add a trigger
set “visible in-game” to "no
set “max triggers” to “1”
place it on the spawn pad

add a block code for the trigger
Block code:
Set Property: “playername”
Value_______: Triggering Player’s Name


You could connect the relay to a checker that checks if that weapon amount is greater than 0. If check passes, connect the checker to the relay. Then If check fails, connect it to a team switcher

This will make it so if the the player is already on team 2 and has the weapon, the relay will try again. Make sure that the players get granted the weapon right after they get selected though.


Pre-game, during game, or both?

Alright, let me try storing player names first.

during game
(actually i think pre-game also works)

The trigger can’t run pre game though.

So i just need to put it on team 2’s spawn pads or both of them?

just during game is fine

I know, but do i need to put it on team 2’s spawn pads?

why do u have team 2’s spawn pad?

Do i need to put the trigger on team 2’s spawn pad, that’s what i’m saying…

laptop’s overheating from gimkit and the forum, may go offline now


So here’s some things:

  1. You don’t need that many lifecycles. Just make one that broadcasts on “hostGameStart” or something that indicates that the channel’s scope is for the host.

  2. Why do you need so many (I’m assuming) random player relays going to team 1 team switcher? Players start on team 1 by default. You only need to switch one player to team 2.

  3. After those, you should make the popup be opened AFTER the player gets switched to team 2.