2 things i need help with

i think the problem is that no one’s on team 2 when the popup is opened

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uh i gotta go so bye (for now)

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I found the solution: I needed 2 players.

Anyways, the leaderboard thing is fixed, but the leaderboard doesn’t say “Team 1” or “Team 2” like that, it just doesn’t show the name…

Go to Map Options in Settings and go to leaderboard. change it there.

Still does the same thing…

Change the leaderboard settings.

Make sure there is multiple people on one team for it to show.

I changed all the options (some actually) but it still doesn’t work.

Are your teams set in the map options or are they created in game via team switchers? If the later, then how is it set?

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Do you have a system set up to choose which players are in which team?

Team switchers. 3 Random players go to team 2 when the game starts and others do something else.

Ah, so there are two teams, correct? If so, did you make sure the team setting is set to cooperative?

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can you elaborate on the system you used to randomize the imposters?

Yes, there are 2 teams.

3 random players are shown and others try to survive, not get caught by the 3 random players, if they do, they can watch the game or become the part of the 3 random players.

Is this what you mean?

which devices did u use to “select” the random players to be imposters, and how did u connect them together?

I think they meant how you made it so three random people are chosen using devices. Also, in map options is the team setting set to cooperative?

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No, i mean the leaderboard. Somehow the crew is with the impostor but they don’t have a blaster. Only the impostor has it.

How you made the system could be an issue contributing to that though.