2 things i need help with

Pre-game, during game, or both?

Alright, let me try storing player names first.

during game
(actually i think pre-game also works)

The trigger can’t run pre game though.

So i just need to put it on team 2’s spawn pads or both of them?

just during game is fine

I know, but do i need to put it on team 2’s spawn pads?

why do u have team 2’s spawn pad?

Do i need to put the trigger on team 2’s spawn pad, that’s what i’m saying…

laptop’s overheating from gimkit and the forum, may go offline now


So here’s some things:

  1. You don’t need that many lifecycles. Just make one that broadcasts on “hostGameStart” or something that indicates that the channel’s scope is for the host.

  2. Why do you need so many (I’m assuming) random player relays going to team 1 team switcher? Players start on team 1 by default. You only need to switch one player to team 2.

  3. After those, you should make the popup be opened AFTER the player gets switched to team 2.


if you don’t understand channels you can still use wires you can have up to 6 wires connecting to the same lifecycle