1st Person Point Of View: How To Recreate It?

So, I’ve been thinking back to something @Gimkitsuggestor said in response to my Screech guide:

The answer to that is obvious: go into 1st person. But how would you replicate this? Let’s get cracking, guys! This could take a while.

P.S. I’m putting this as clay-institute because I doubt that it’s even possbile…YET! Not possible YET. Sorry, @Blackhole927.

What We Know Will Be Used

Most likely, it will use a camera point, camera view, or a mix of the two. A teleporter or two may be involved, not quite sure.

What We Know Will Work

Nothing yet. But that’s where you guys come in, fellow 200 IQ gamers!

Theories With Some Evidence

Using Mouse View might prove to be very helpful.

Pure Speculation

Maybe using a camera point with a camera view could cause some sort of glitch and have it follow the player? I’m not quite sure


I’m gonna go away for an hour or two, I gotta eat lunch and do some chores, so ya’ll can discuss amongst yourselves.

hmm I would love this but I know one way but is very(very) memory consuming


Ah, first person mode! Good for fnaf, fortnite ballistic, and more!
I wanna research on this


Well, if it works, it works! We can put it in the “We Know Will Work” category. But since I’ve gotta go, can somebody make this a wiki? @Slim, @Bird, maybe one of you can make this a wiki?

Yeah I’m gonna go do it

I remember trying making fnaf in 1st pov and i just recreated the office and use a camera point for everything else i just used popups and overlays.
maybe we could do the same depending how big the map is.


Camera view that’s close to the ground.


wdym by

Camera view that’s close to the ground.


There’s the mouse view option that might help.

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A camera view, near the ground.

wait a sec, are we talking platformer, or top-down?

Mouse view option?
Where’s that?

in map options

I would assume top-down.

then how o you place it close the the ground? EVRYTHING’S THE GROUND

They just added it. You know where you can look around with your mouse with a gadget? Well, they added an option that lets you do that without a gadget.

Sad thing, i can’t use the mouse in my school ipad to make it work :sob:

Make it small. My Automaton processors find it quite simple.

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The closest thing to first person I know of is that we place a camera view and we place a barrier above the player to make it see like it. I remember a system like that being used for a fnaf map