I ask this, mainly because while it doesn’t look like it, Pac-Man has some pretty advanced code for the ghost’s AI, so is there anyway this can be replicated accurately in GKC?
Hmmmmmmm, maybe! Once you make moving ghost then you could probably recreate the movement
Didn’t people already recreate pac-man in discovery?
lol, we are both making remakes of 80’s arcade games
maybe, I haven’t checked. Mainly because discovery is a heck hole I’m not going in but I want to try to make a very accurate remake in GKC, the ghost there might not be accurate.
Yes if 1 team was pac-man and the ghost were team 2
Just wait till somebody recreates the entirety of TLOZ xd
this would be a great idea
(post ____ by Author)
I want the ghosts to be AI, not players
Yep AN AI just tracking players coords and slowly move to them
ok 1. that’s very rude, 2. what about those who don’t have people to play with? what are they going to do? play with no one?
what do you mean by AI? fleet
AI wouldn’t even be needed?
It’s called the coords device.
as in like, recreating how the enemy code works in Pac-Man. not actual learning AI, just code for the enemy ghosts,
Oh sorry didn’t mean to be rude it was suposed to be me sorry
You would need a really complex system with either coordinites or a bunch of zones for ghost to target player. then code verifiing where ghost is and if player there.
You could use the player coordinate device so it can track the players location from 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 seconds ago. When a ghost enters one of those coordinates, it would start following the player.
ahhhh ok
hmm so detecting a player with in a 5 block radius
Well sorta accurately, You could just make the ghosts dumb/ make them just have a directed path instead of following player