[WIP] making pong into GKC

the original pong guide.

hello there! as you read this guide, please remember that this is a wip! this guide will most likely be finished in a few days or weeks. thank you for clicking on this post, and let us begin.

what even is pong?

if you don’t know what pong is, then im not sure why you even clicked on this post. but if you did anyway, pong is basically ping-pong. there are two paddles and a ball, you need to hit the ball with your paddle to the other person. if you fail to hit it, then the other person gains a point. if you hit the ball, and the other person fails to hit the ball back, you gain a point. the goal is to get to 10 points first. its a pretty straightforward premise.
Screenshot 2024-01-07 1.45.38 PM
(an example of what it looks like)


camera view



to begin the paddles, add two long black barriers like so.

now, add a camera view device, and adjust the size so it covers the two long black barriers.

now add small zones all over the two long black lines. they can overlap each other. i used nine as an example.

add long white barriers to the side. they can overlap each other. make them the same number as the amount of zones you used.

now, wire each zone to its own barrier. have them line up. (ex: the zone on the bottom gets wired to the lowest barrier.) set the wire settings to:

player enters zone - activate barrier.
Screenshot 2024-01-13 3.23.11 PM

now add wire repeaters for every zone.

wire each zone to the wire repeaters. set the settings to
player leaves zone - repeat wire pulse.

lastly, wire the wire repeaters to the barriers. set the settings to
wire repeater receives pulse - deactivate barrier.





and that concludes pong! a heart would be greatly appreciated. as always, thank you for reading, and have a good rest of you’re day/night! <3


i’m gonna bump this every time i update it.


sounds cool @speedy_kd4


“making pong into GCK”

GimCreative Kit

Anyways, nice guide. I don’t think you need to bump this every time you update because it can be considered spam. You can bump it if it’s been 5 days since someone posted or if it doesn’t get that much attention


dw I know how bumping works. ill most likely update it once, which is when I’ll finish it. (/not trying to sound rude)


Oh wow, this is cool and its nice that you already are figuring it out!


I like the idea, but I don’t like the wires. You can save so much memory by just using channels in the paddles.


Nice wip !


Wires are easier to visualize and see what went wrong


That is not true when you have 20 wires.


you can only have one channel per device, which can make it difficult. hence why i used wires instead.


That is true, but you could eliminate 10 wires.

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thats fair, but respectfully im still more comfortable with wires.


lol me too, if there’s a LOT of channels to do it gets confusing


i have some questions:

how are you going to make the ball bounce?
are you going to include spin for the ball? that’s what makes pong fun. otherwise the ball would just go straight back and forth, with no bouncing off the walls.
how are you going to make a graphics engine for the ball’s location?

just curious. this is really hard stuff.


I never realized it, but Pong wouldn’t actually be that hard to make.

Let’s summarize the things we would need:
a) a ball that moves based on its location
b) a way to track/handle the ball’s movement speed
c) a way to move the paddles
d) a way to handle interactions between the ball and other things
e) a win state

These can all be done pretty simply.
For a, you could use a massive array of barriers, square or circle or whatever. They all would deactivate whenever the coordinates changed, and one would reactivate when the ball position property hit its coordinates. (Using concatenation)
B could be done by simply having variables for direction and speed, then using some sort of calculation. If you had dx and dy as variables, you can change the ball’s coordinates by dx and dy and then round them back up.
C would be pretty easily done by tracking maybe player movement. You could have them standing on a row of triggers and as they move down or up the triggers send out a signal to say “the paddle is at our y coordinate”
D would be done by simply adding into the movement calculations that if the ball is at a certain y or x level, you reverse dy or dx accordingly.
E is simply done by checking if the ball is past one of the paddles. If it is, you reset dy and dx, reset the coordinates, and give whichever team won a point.

If you don’t know what I’m saying, I recommend trying to make Pong OUTSIDE of Gimkit first. Try using Python or something, because without that basic understanding of how the game actually functions, you’ll have a much harder time making the game inside Gimkit.

oh wait i just realized that this is a guide and not a help post, so my bad lol
I’d recommend using triggers instead of zones for the paddles though, they’re just as useful and much more efficient.


ah, i’ve tried triggers already. there was a bug where when the trigger was triggered by player collision, a barrier wouldn’t activate.


I was playing pong but then i hit a bump.


this guide will be finished in a few days, blastball mechanics have been added to gkc.


You could just use players as the paddle.

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