Wiki on Gimkit Gadgets

Intro: So originally, @AMineRide made a guide about his preference on which gadgets were better, based on actual statistics. So I am making this wiki for him so that way as new gadgets come out we can add them here.

- - - Format - - -
Use this so it stays organized!

(Gadget Name)

[Picture of Gadget Here]

[Spritesheet of Gadget Here]

(uses pickaxe as example)

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 1 ~1 second N/A 1 use Ammo x d.p.b Melee
Uncommon 1 ~1 second N/A 5 use Ammo x d.p.b Melee
Rare 1 ~1 second N/A 25 use Ammo x d.p.b Melee
Epic 1 ~1 second N/A 100 use Ammo x d.p.b Melee
Legendary 1 ~1 second N/A 300 use Ammo x d.p.b Melee



Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 12 2 sec Medium-Fast 14 168 ~7
Uncommon 14 2 sec Medium-Fast 16 224 ~7
Rare 16 2 sec Medium-Fast 18 288 ~7
Epic 18 2 sec Medium-Fast 20 360 ~7
Legendary 20 2 sec Medium-Fast 22 440 ~7
Wooden Wand

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 20 3 sec Medium 20 400 ~11
Uncommon 22 3 sec Medium 24 528 ~11
Rare 24 3 sec Medium 28 672 ~11
Epic 26 3 sec Medium 32 832 ~11
Legendary 28 3 sec Medium 36 1008 ~11


Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 12 2.5 sec Very Fast 20 240 ~17
Uncommon 16 2.5 sec Very Fast 23 368 ~17
Rare 20 2.5 sec Very Fast 26 288 ~17
Epic 24 2.5 sec Very Fast 29 360 ~17
Legendary 28 2.5 sec Very Fast 32 440 ~17
Snowball Launcher (Projectile spritesheet couldn't be found)


Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 12 2 sec Medium-Fast 28 336 ~16
Uncommon 14 2 sec Medium-Fast 30 420 ~16
Rare 16 2 sec Medium-Fast 32 512 ~16
Epic 18 2 sec Medium-Fast 34 612 ~16
Legendary 20 2 sec Medium-Fast 36 720 ~16
Portable Muffin Launcher (P.M.L. for short)

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 12 4.5 sec Medium 44 528 ~30
Uncommon 12 4.5 sec Medium 51 612 ~30
Rare 12 4.5 sec Medium 58 696 ~30
Epic 12 4.5 sec Medium 65 780 ~30
Legendary 12 4.5 sec Medium 72 864 ~30

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 5 4 sec Fast 60 300 ~16
Uncommon 6 4 sec Fast 66 396 ~16
Rare 7 4 sec Fast 72 504 ~16
Epic 8 4 sec Fast 78 624 ~16
Legendary 9 4 sec Fast 84 756 ~16
Evil Eye

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 4 5 sec Very Slow 72 288 “Infinite”
Uncommon 4 5 sec Very Slow 80 320 “Infinite”
Rare 4 5 sec Very Slow 88 352 “Infinite”
Epic 4 5 sec Very Slow 96 384 “Infinite”
Legendary 4 5 sec Very Slow 104 416 “Infinite”
Quantum Portal

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 1 2.5 sec Very Slow 184 184 “Infinite”
Uncommon 1 2.5 sec Very Slow 196 196 “Infinite”
Rare 1 2.5 sec Very Slow 208 208 “Infinite”
Epic 1 2.5 sec Very Slow 220 220 “Infinite”
Legendary 1 2.5 sec Very Slow 232 232 “Infinite”
Pickaxe (Projectile spritesheet couldn't be found)

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 1 ~1 sec N/A 1 1 Melee
Uncommon 1 ~1 sec N/A 5 5 Melee
Rare 1 ~1 sec N/A 25 25 Melee
Epic 1 ~1 sec N/A 100 100 Melee
Legendary 1 ~1 sec N/A 300 300 Melee
Pixelator (Projectile spritesheet couldn't be found)

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 30 1.5 sec Medium-Fast 12 360 ~17
Uncommon 32 1.5 sec Medium-Fast 16 516 ~17
Rare 34 1.5 sec Medium-Fast 20 680 ~17
Epic 36 1.5 sec Medium-Fast 24 864 ~17
Legendary 38 1.5 sec Medium-Fast 28 1064 ~17

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 18 1 sec Medium 12 216 6
Uncommon 20 1 sec Medium 15 300 6
Rare 22 1 sec Medium 18 396 6
Epic 24 1 sec Medium 21 504 6
Legendary 26 1 sec Medium 24 624 6

Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 3 2 sec Medium 124 372 “Infinite”
Uncommon 3 2 sec Medium 132 396 “Infinite”
Rare 3 2 sec Medium 140 420 “Infinite”
Epic 3 2 sec Medium 148 444 “Infinite”
Legendary 3 2 sec Medium 156 486 “Infinite”


Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 16 ~1 sec Medium-Fast 32 512 ~12
Uncommon 16 ~1 sec Medium-Fast 36 576 ~12
Rare 16 ~1 sec Medium-Fast 40 640 ~12
Epic 16 ~1 sec Medium-Fast 44 704 ~12
Legendary 16 ~1 sec Medium-Fast 48 768 ~12


Rarity Ammo Reload Speed Ammo Speed Damage per Bullet Damage per Reload Range
Common 20 3 sec 38 720 ~11
Uncommon 6 3 sec 39 234 ~11
Rare 8 3 sec 40 320 ~11
Epic 10 3 sec 41 410 ~11
Legendary 12 3 sec 42 504 ~11

- If this box is checked, don’t edit. Make sure to check this box before you stop editing.
A note from AMineRide.

After the people voted unanimously, we are going to try to add DPS (Damage Per Second) to this wiki. After that, this wiki should be complete for the time being.

~ AMineRide


This isn’t a wiki.

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I’m pretty sure the moderators removed JoeTheChicken’s version of this for a reason.



Meh, its fine. I’ll try to make an overhauled version of my guide.

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This is an infinite-editing time version of AMineRide’s guide that I linked, that has been left alone and perfectly fine for a week. Nobody complained about until you did today. If the mods have a problem with it, they can remove it. If they decide to remove it on the ground this info is in wiki, then I will talk to them about it, as like I said before some schools have blocked the wiki not because the content it bad but because it is a wiki in general.


It’s blocked on most schools because it’s a new website. New websites take a long time to go through.


For our school its keywords, so website that ends in .wiki or has “wiki” in the base url is blocked.

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don’t check the box for fun and don’t edit if you aren’t going to contribute.


If it were my opinion, the Blaster is my buddy :slight_smile:
Sorry, I like stuff that goes RATATATATAT
And almost all of us like stuff that go BOOM, right?

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Updated to have blaster & wooden wand. Also, I haven’t edited a wiki (before), so I don’t know how to check a box! :sweat_smile:

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Im pretty sure there already is a guide on gadgets

You click it!

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Me click big button to fix some gramneer mistahes


Ya missed a word


Interesting guide! Must’ve taken you awhile to make this guide!

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@pelaaja Are you sure AMineRide wasn’t editing?

What does checking the box do? Also, are the distance units just by coords?

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Checking the box tells people that you are editing. Personally I don’t like it, since there’s a built-in way to determine that.

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But I can’t edit it…