Why wont Gimkit load?

I think it’s back up again.

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Bro I’m getting errors on this forum page

It is working again for me

Yeah. The heroku error page isn’t served by gimkit as a copy, it’s literally just displaying the actual heroku website in a window. So that’s why it’s blocked.

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Welcome to the forums @DarkMaster
How was the fall?

It is back up but now you can’t access the games or maps

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How long will this take

It’s back up now on my computer

It seems like it’s back up!
was that really that bad of a wait?

How @DarkMaster? How did you do it?


but now the forum is having a lot of strain and lag because of all the users active now

oh so it’s up again?

Welcome @DarkMaster and also yeah everyone chill it’s fine just wait for the servers to be fixed

It was not bad it was like half an hour

Gimkit was down for 6 hours lol

Yup it is working again :slight_smile: For… me at least…

Let’s gooooooooooooooooooo

10 minutes without Gimkit. That’s worth my entire life. 10 minutes. 10 minutes??? Makes me crazy.

guyz its up!!!1

Everyone off of this topic!!