Why is my Terrain in "Project 2" for the Space (Moving), Ice Path (2) and my Boardwalk are all looking like squares full of green lines and black penumbra squares?

Why is my Terrain in “Project 2” for the Space (Moving), Ice Path (2) and my Boardwalk are all looking like squares full of green lines and black penumbra squares???

Refresh Gimkit its glitching

Thanks for telling me!

No problem, welcome to the forums mate.

@Zank please mark a solution

Might wanna change it back to the help topic and mark my post as a solution.

bug posts can have solutions, but this is a bug, there have been many reports of it.
Here is one example:

@Zank click the link above. Is this what your terrain looks like?

Welcome to the community @Zank!

maybe grid mode is on