Why is making dirt blocks hard


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To make it easier, you can use 3D art. Use these 2 guides.

Also, nice grass block, it looks great! (Just concerned about the memory)


Huh? I don’t know what I am looking at. [1]

  1. I know it’s a dirt block, but what is it made out of? ↩︎

Thank you for the links also it was suposed to be a grass block

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I think it’s made of barriers.


how do i mark a answer also it is made out of barriers

It’s the check mark next to any reply in this post.

Right next to the like post/reply button

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If it’s not there, you can’t mark solutions in the Art category.

thank you so much for the advice

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There is a solution in this art post.

Hello? Is there a solution?

You need to switch to devices, mark a solution, then switch back to art

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