[🎨] Why Is It Yellow

uh uh uh why is this happening

this monstrosity

more evidence

→ i entered my game
→ it’s yellow
→ what
→ no barriers
→ change the background
→ still yellow
→ some terrains are other colors
→ no inverted terrain colors
→ has this happened before?
→ sidenote: cool new editing options
→ now 0.3x zoom
→ and 4x speed in editing options

what’s going on?
i literally just entered my game?


Why is this in Community Made Guides

this should be a Bugs or Help

Edit: Ty for fixing

Why do I feel like I’ve seen that texture in Apocalypse somewhere

There is already another topic about this

s’more evidence here

glitched boardwalk terrain

full view

this is a thing that happens for every terrain

Mine is fine
It’s just ur internet or bug problem. I suggest restarting ur device, that always helps when I try!

maybe has something to do with todays update (the new gamemode and new editing options)

Question…how…are…you… regular…

did you get promoted???

I think @Bestie_Boo solved this, but what do I know?

I also am having this problem.

another person that experienced this said that reloading didn’t work

also the new mode looks like a rip off Splatoon

Update: I’ve tried a bunch of things, and cannot replicate this bug.
such as:

  • Placing Asphalt Road
  • Placing Boardwalk
  • Using the new teleport feature
  • Getting knocked out
  • Firing the Pixelator (all rarities)
  • Using 0.25x and 4x speed
  • using the new extended zoom

update info is cool
pixelator is cool

are you okay?

shift + click to teleport in editing mode is so cool

anyways, maybe just wait for this to be fixed
unless someone finds a solution

dunno what the problem is…but…

RELOADING. Maybe restarting may work?

Nope im not okay

im barely getting byyyy

ANYWAYS. Lets get on topic guys. So has anyone found anything yet?


Welp nobody is on topic anymore…

ive said this everywhere. there are a ton of topics about this. and Josh said in the discord he’s working on it

please search before you post. learned that from experience XD

Sorry Its yellow cuz I got a little sick of platformer my fault homies

this was like… the second topic on this
anyways, does anyone have a solution,
or should i just close it and wait for [1] josh

  1. almighty ↩︎

It’s not you, I have seen the same thing.

Just think of it just as an update

I think it is part of Color Clash

i’m like… 17% sure that the bug is fixed
imma close the topic, and there are enough of these topics already