Why is GimAi suspended

it says they have been suspended for Forum & community disruption although I don’t think the bot does that

It’s because people have trained the AI to do bad stuff, resulting in the AI to be suspended for a month. Though, please be on-topic.


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I bet you mods are gonna unlist and close this post because they don’t want you to know
I know why he is suspended and I had a whole post dedicated to it:


They might de-list it because it isn’t really on topic, but I doubt that they’re going to do so because of any conspiratorial reason. If you click on the GimAI profile, there’s a reason specifically mentioned (which is the forum/community disruption discussed above), and that is the reason why it was suspended. The training posts that other people made caused that disruption (as your post also mentions), and the moderators decided that taking away our ability to use the AI would solve the problem.


NGL, the training command needs to go away


I agree. It’s better to just give the owner suggestions and they can train the AI themselves. As I said in another post, we don’t have much control over the people training it bad stuff.


It’s a nice idea, but in practice… there are more than a few problems. There really does need to be some sort of moderation system involved (like Navy suggested) to prevent people from repeatedly misusing the command ‘as a joke’.