Why does the block keep popping out?

I need to copy that with different numbers at least a 100 times though so I need it to take as little blocks as possible

Code only works if you do one at a timeā€¦

Just a global rule for all coding languages, I think.

What are you trying to do? Iā€™ll try to make it more efficient.

Oops my badā€¦ :person_facepalming: Thatā€™s embarassing


What you can do is have a property that updates using a specific formula every time to save on blocks and compare x and y to that property. Use a trigger loop or something to run the code again until it has run the amount of times you want it.


Can you give a screenshot?

Edit: Nvm I know youā€™re on vacation

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Lol. Getting a screenshot on gkc on a phone would be so annoying


I made a guide on looping code that could be useful.

Set x to get property x
Set y to get property y
If x > get property m and y > get property m
Do ________
Set property m
Value get property m + 10

And then a trigger loop constantly runs the code. Wired to a counter with target value of x that deactivates a trigger when target value reached. If you want the code to run the whole game just reset property m when target value of counter is reached.

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Not my intention, sorry. I meant that the block doesnā€™t like the number (not like i donā€™t like this but like it wonā€™t accept it)

coordinate system of the entire map based off of a player coordinates device
Iā€™m rounding it to 25 or 50 depending on memory and how efficient I can get this
you can do the 50(100 times) if its more convenient just need it to take as little blocks as possible

I was trying to make a more efficient way of making a coordinate system for the entire map

tell me when you have some ideas I need to eat
attention span is horrendous when Iā€™m hungry

by the way
when Iā€™m done should I make it into a guide?

Oh you can do x mod 25 and y mod 25 and then go off there. Use x mod 25 and y mod 25 as the grid coords.

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that would be good

What does that do?

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It gets the remainder of the x and y coordinates divided by 25. I thinkā€¦

You could also do this:

The same thing has happened to me! This is probably not the best fix for it, but itā€™s my usual workaround. (@getrithekd 's way is probably better, but I posted this in case you wanted a different way)

will try that out later
I need to either update a property on broadcast on a channel depending on where you are

will update on what it does when I add it

Well I guess implanting mechanics for the entire map will have to wait

also @ClicClac do you still need that bio? I have it on my computer just never got it to you when I got blocked

Yes, in fact. I do still need the bio.